• 06-09-2023

    The Best supplements for kids, according to a ND

    The vitamin and supplement aisles or shelves can be a very overwhelming place for any parent, especially when it comes to deciding which supplements are best for their kids. 

    As much as we would love our children to eat broccoli and salmon, the reality is quite the opposite. Many of our kids are often picky eaters, which can make meeting their nutritional needs a bit more challenging. Our goal as any parent is to ensure we provide our kids with all the vitamins and minerals needed to thrive and grow through diet alone, optimizing their growing body and minds. But, often certain circumstances and time constraints make that difficult to achieve, so my top recommendations as a Naturopathic Doctor and mom to two young growing boys include:

    1. Multivitamin. A good Multi vitamin acts as an insurance policy, filling in the nutritional gaps that many picky eaters may face. Some kids may not be getting the required amounts of vitamins and minerals that a young growing body needs. Additionally, if your child is on any kind of restrictive diet ( Like dairy or gluten free, vegetarian or vegan for instance) or on certain medications, there may be concern for nutritional values and daily requirements not being met.  Kids Multi Vitamin Spray contains a broad range of vitamins to provide your child with a solid base. It is a quick and easy way to administer these vitamins and is non GMO and Gluten free.

    Make sure you consult with your health care provider if you have any questions about your supplement regimen.


    1. Probiotic. Supporting your child’s immune system starts in the gut, and a probiotic is a very gentle and effective way to support both gut health and immune function. 70% of our immune system is housed in the gut, so as your child grows, it is important to support their gut flora through a multi strain probiotic. Probiotics have been shown to help with many aspect of a child’s health. Probiotics not only help with immune function, but they can also help with a child’s digestion helping to limit tummy troubles and regulating their bowel movements, along with improving mood and mental health concerns.  
    1. Omega 3 Fish oil. Supporting your child’s cognitive ( brain) health can be done through supplementing with EPA and DHA, both found in a good quality omega 3 fish oil. Obtaining enough Omega 3 through diet alone may be quite difficult for kids who don’t particularly love salmon or other fatty fish, and as a result, many kids aren’t reaching their daily requirements. By supplementing, you ensure that both EPA and DHA are formulated in specific ratios for maximum benefit.  For those children who prefer a plant based option, there is one available. Bonus: Omega 3 also helps with inflammatory concerns such as eczema or other skin conditions commonly seen in children.

    2. Kids Calcium with Vitamin D and K2. Support your child’s growth, development, bones and teeth with a good quality supplement. In today’s world especially, where people are opting for dairy free diets, it may pose as a challenge to get enough Calcium. Calcium strengthens bone and teeth development while added vitamins and minerals support additional functions in the body. Vitamins D3 & K2 work together to help with calcium absorption. Vitamin D also supports immune function and overall health. 

    These are a few of my top recommendations, but of course each individual child’s needs are different and vary depending on their given diet and requirements. If your child is vegetarian, you may think about supplementing with an Iron additionally. As mentioned above, speak to a health care provider about your individual situation, and opt for formulas without added sugars, artificial sweeteners, colors, flavorings or preservatives. 


    • 06-09-2023

    Vitamins for kids:  Do they need it? 

    Are you a parent, who like many of us, wonder about the nutritional needs of your child? Do you wonder if taking a vitamin or supplement is necessary to give our children on top of their current diet? 

    If so, you are not alone. This is a common concern amongst parents who want the best for their Children’s health. Child friendly supplements can help fill in the gap for your growing child, especially if they are picky eaters and don’t have the best diet. 

    As children grow, it is important for them to get enough vitamins and minerals to ensure optimal health. 

    Supplements don’t make up for a healthy balanced diet, but they can certainly act as a bridge to help prevent nutrient deficiencies that may arise. 

    Parents should focus on a well-rounded diet to ensure their children meet the daily recommended amount of vitamins and minerals. A healthy plate should be rich in fruits and vegetables, whole grains and fiber, protein rich foods and healthy fats. While all vitamins and minerals are important for growth and development, some are especially critical for children.

    Given the reality of our busy and fast paced lives, we don’t get as many well rounded home cooked meals as we would like to. As a Naturopathic Doctor and mom of two young growing boys, I recommend certain child friendly supplements as a welcomed addition to help ensure strong growing body’s and minds for the development of healthy children.  


    Kids who may benefit from the addition of vitamins may include:

    1. Kids who aren't eating regular, well-balanced meals made from fresh, whole foods including a variety of fruits and vegetables, proteins and healthy fats 
    1. Picky eaters who simply just aren’t eating enough or enough variety.  
    1. Kids with specific medical concerns or digestive problems, or kids taking prescription medications that may cause nutrient deficiencies. 
    1. Kids eating a lot of fast food, processed or convenience food in packages. High sugar or carbonated beverages also deplete the body of key nutrients. 
    1. Kids on a vegetarian, vegan, gluten free, dairy free or other restrictive diet, who may need an iron, calcium or other specific nutrient or supplement.

    It’s best for kids to get all the vitamins and minerals they need from a well-balanced diet. And generally, they do. But it can be more challenging to get adequate levels of certain nutrients, which is where a good quality supplement can be a great addition. Good quality supplements should be non GMO, and free of artificial colours, preservatives, and sweeteners.


    • 06-09-2023

    Tips on beating the back-to-school germs

    Before you know it, Cold and Flu season will be here, so you may want to start considering boosting your kids' immune systems to strengthen and be prepared for bugs.
    Tips on beating the back-to-school germs:
    1. Eat the rainbow. Avoid sugar, processed foods and additives as much as possible. Stick to whole foods, fruits and vegetables, proteins, nuts, seeds and legumes.
    2. Get adequate sleep. Kids need anywhere between 10-12 hours of sleep to keep their bodies
    and immune systems strong.
    3. Stay active and keep up with the exercise.  Active kids are healthier kids with a
    stronger immune system. I recommend 60 minutes of physical activity every day.
    4. Manage stress. Stress also affects kids' immune systems the same way it does adults- allow
    for kids to have ample downtime to rest and repair.
    5. Proper handwashing with soap and water regularly. 80% of
    diseases are spread by touch, so as much as hand washing seems like such a simple concept, it's
    probably one of the most important ones.
    6. Probiotics. I recommend starting children on a probiotic early on, with about 5-20 billion
    cultures. This will help strengthen the gut, which in turn strengthens the immune system.
    7. Important supplements: Vitamin D, Zinc, fish oil and vitamin C are also great supplements for children to take to
    boost an immune system.
    8. Elderberry syrup is a great immune booster, helps kids fight the flu or cold, and is antibacterial and antiviral.

    • 11-10-2022

    Halloween & Staying Healthy: Can they go hand in hand?

    There is no shortage of food celebrations to enrich the fall season. With Thanksgiving dinner behind us we are quickly approaching another celebration that involves loads and loads of sweets.  Celebration and food often go hand in hand and that can make for a whole lot of fun. And that’s a good thing! And with some attention to our actions, the event can fun and balanced too!

    With Halloween just around the corner, how do I make it through without any “scary” consequences. We are bombarded with temptations even before the day, with a plethora of candy on display at the stores and at school or office parties.  How does one navigate between the scary costumes and the onslaught of empty calories from the candies, chocolate bars and sweets that are connected to this celebration? 

    The overall message is to keep the enjoyment high, find the “better for you” sweets in hopes of avoiding the dreaded shame (that my clients often talk).  Here are some tips to help you on your way to have fun and stayed healthy too: 

    1. Set yourself up for success. Eat a balanced meal before you trick or treat with your little ones, dish out the candy at the door or venture out to a costume party.  Creating a balanced plate of at least half vegetables, quarter protein and quarter carbohydrates will help to feel satiated, dropping the temptation to over reach for the sweets. A satisfying meal before any alcohol consumption is also a good plan. 

    2. Try alternative types of treats. A visit to the local craft store can help you find non-candy treats, such as cut ‘n paste booklets, stickers or fun stationary.  Or stock up on treats that support movement such as jump ropes, bouncy balls or sidewalk caulk.

    3. Out of sight. Out of mind.  I will never forget when I tried this one when the kids were young.  I even locked the stash in a cabinet and then inadvertently lost the key!  Much to my surprise the aftermath was not bad as they quickly forgot about the candy, proving to me that the evening of fun was plenty for them. However, as they grew older the strategy did have to change a bit.  Sometimes I removed some candy from their bags and used them at birthday parties.  Trial and error.  Personally, now we only buy Halloween candy just days before and only open the box on the evening of the 31st. 

    4. Staying well hydrated can help you control your sweet cravings.  Instead of letting the favour stay in your mouth only to tempt you to have another, try drinking some water instead.  You might be surprised now this can take your mind off the thought of “just another”.  

    5. Last but not least, celebrate!! I often get asked if I let my kids eat candy on Halloween. Afterall, a dietitian mom should have “rules”. I settled into the idea of letting them monitor their own intake without imposing limitations. They learned the very important skill of self regulation. I do believe in experiential learning and if they consumed too much and felt sick from sugar overload, they learned quicker than me trying to control their every last move.  With the habits of a healthy balanced plate already established, it was easy to step back into this way of eating.  One or two (or three) days of eating treats will not undo the years of healthy habit building. Self management of treats without feeling the guilt of consuming too much goes a long way to building healthy, happy lifetime eaters. 

    • 05-10-2022

    A Sign of the Times: Enjoying your local fall harvest.

    A Sign of the Times: Enjoying your local fall harvest. 

    Written by Caroline Klemens, Dietitian

    While the local weather is breaking all time high temperature records, we have a chance to enjoy even more time outdoors, as it seems as if summer is hanging on. The days are sunny and dry but the colder, wetter weather is undeniably around the corner.  The change in weather is a perfect time to move from summer types of fruits and vegetables to a heartier fall bounty.  This change in weather is an indication of the change of what can land on our plates. And for that we can be very grateful, as we have the opportunity to experience more diversity. 

    A healthy and enjoyable diet includes diversity.  As we move away from ultra processed foods in the grocery shelves and step into the fall bounty at the local farmer’s markets it is easy to see the array of colour and textures available at this time of year.  Recently I was pleasantly surprised as I cycled by a farmer’s market and caught sight of the beautiful vibrant oranges, reds and greens in the all too familiar shapes of squashes, pumpkins, sweet potatoes, and beets.  A sudden urge to make a large batch of chicken vegetable soup got triggered. 

    I often get asked if these local foods really make a difference and if so how! The first advantage is taste. But can it really make a difference? Produce that travels less kms to reach your plate naturally has more freshness and flavour. 

    Have you ever had an imported peach in the middle of the winter and a peach harvested in the summer and brought to your table within a week? I bet you’d agree that the flavour does not compare.  Fresh fruits and vegetables that are transported far distances will be picked before they are naturally ripened on the vine or tree. When this happens there is less flavour. When you enjoy the taste sensation of produce harvested at the right time you will never trade that experience for anything!

    Local produce has more nutritional value. Anytime fresh fruits or vegetables are exposed to light, sit longer after being harvested or are exposed to heat the vitamins and mineral get effected and the nutritional value naturally decreases. Aim to eat the foods that are grown closer to where you live. 

    Locally-grown seasonal foods also have a benefit of matching to our nutritional needs. For example, the beta carotene in the orange pigment of pumpkins and other squash will help boost your immune system just in time to stay healthy for cold and flu season. 

    It can be argued that locally produced foods have a lower cost, due to reduced transportation cost.  Catch those savings and visit a market or your local neighbourhood grocer and pick a locally grown vegetable that you’ve never had before, search online for a recipe and experiment! Roasted vegetables make a wonderful salad, drizzled with balsamic vinegar and olive oil. 

    From the wise words of Michael Pollen “Eat foods, mostly plants, not too much”.  I’m sure he would agree with adding “eat foods, mostly seasonal plants, not too much”!  And remember let Mother Nature be your guide, as we know she knows best”!  Enjoy the fall season. 


    • 06-09-2022

    Top 3 Back-to-School tips from a Dietitian Mom

    Top 3 Back-to-School tips from a Dietitian Mom

    After experiencing over 25 years of back-to-school excitement and wows I can confidently say experiencing it first hand has given me the insight to help other caregivers do the same.   Getting your little ones out of the house, for a successful day away from home, is an important role we have as a parent.  More success in achieved in this area when we approach it in an organized manner. 

    With the unstructured flow of summer time behind us, in a moment we are faced with a whole new world.  Flying by the seat of our pants may not give us the peace of mind needed to get through this transition time.  Lists of action steps to take seem to never end. New school gear purchased. Check. Lunches made.  Check.  Books in knapsacks.  Check.  So, the key to success is to approach this time with a myriad of tools to help us stay organized, and to create routines that allow for this time to be stress free and fun! Your kids do model your behaviour and pick up on how you feel, so why not be calm and happy, even if on the inside you may not totally feel that. 

    Let’s lay the groundwork by discussing the power of organization and planning. Any of the tips discussed below work when there is organization and a routine. There is nothing more stressful then standing in front of the fridge, with the door wide open, wondering what everyone will eat. A little investment of time and thought at the beginning of the week can help ensure that our kids are well fed.

    Tip #1 Start them off right at home

    We have little (let’s face it…no control) on what, how or even if, food gets eaten during the day while our children are at school.  Whether we accept it or not, children having independence over their food choices during the day is an important part of their development. We provide the food and the children use their intuitive hunger cues to decide how much, or even if, to eat. 

    Many influences can present themselves at school – the contents of the lunch box of the student sitting beside your child can tempt them so much so that they do some sort of swap.  I remember the stories my kids had about “who traded who”!  Counter act the peer group influence by ensuring breakfast, after school snack and dinner options are balanced.  

    Try batch cooking breakfast items and freeze them to be ready at a moment’s notice.  Muffin tin omelets are an easy choice for a quick breakfast.  Prepare a couple of large batches and freeze them for later use. 

    Allow time and an appropriate environment to eat. While it may be tempting to have the kids eat in the car, dashboard dining is no way to start the day.  Allow 10-15 minutes of time in the morning where everyone sits at the table.  Resisting the urge to multi-task as the kids are sitting at the table will backfire. Your intentions may be valid but the time you take to model good eating behaviour by sitting with your child does more than one can imagine. 

    Breakfast ideas: Overnight oats (steel cut oats, choice of milk, frozen strawberries, walnuts, sprinkle of hemp seed on top).  Kids can be encouraged to put together all the ingredients in a Mason jar as an evening activity the night before. 



    Tip #2- Add Protein

    The fact is, we live in an easily accessible carbohydrate world.  There is no shortage of carbs as commercially prepared school snacks can be loaded with carbs and often times very processed and high in sugar. More on this topic in a future post. As a result of the prevalence of carbohydrates, protein may take a back seat.  Protein in our diet is very important and is the “driver of the bus” that help us feeling full from one meal to the next and provides us with sustained energy throughout the day.  Highly processed carbohydrates can cause swings in energy and peaks and crashes in blood sugar levels. While kids don’t need a lot of protein, it is best to offer them protein at every meal and snack. 

    Protein type snacks: Try pairing a good protein source with a fruit or vegetable. For example, nut butter + celery sticks, fruit smoothie, hummus dip and cucumbers, boiled egg and banana, blueberries and Greek yogurt, cheese and apple sections.  

    Tip #3 Involve the kids!

    As children grow, their involvement in the kitchen can grow too as they take on more responsibility.  At a younger age it might be as simple as setting the plates on the table. 

    Consider a challenge at the grocery store. Have you child pick out a veggie, a fruit and one snack item for their lunches. If the snack item isn’t the most nutritious you can always balance it with your choices the rest of the week!

    While I was busy with my younger daughters, by default, in grade 1 my older daughter started making her own lunch.  Kids are more likely to eat something they had a role in preparing and then they have no surprises either. 

    Caroline Klemens,  Registered Dietitian

    • 26-03-2020

    Why do we have allergies?

    Allergies occur because our immune system mistakenly sees pollen/allergens as a danger, and releases  histamine, from our mast cells during an allergic response. Histamines trigger the runny nose, itchy watery eyes, nasal congestion and sneezing. Main cause for seasonal allergies in Vancouver are tree pollens and grass pollens. 

    Most over the counter drugs are anti histamines, meaning they block the release of histamine and dry everything up. But, these do come with side effects such as increased drowsiness, increased HR and blood pressure, dry mouth/dry mucous membranes, among other concerns. Using non drowsy antihistamines once in a while if necessary is OK, but long term throughout the entire allergy season isn’t ideal. More natural approaches are:


    1. Reduce exposure/ Stay Indoors- You can track pollen counts in your area and stay inside when counts are highest
    2. Shower regularly- If you are outside a lot, and suffer from allergies, showering morning and night will help wash pollens off your hair ( Where they can stick) and face
    3. Use a Netti Pot daily or a sinus rinse- This ensures clear nasal passages and prevent sinusitis. These rinses help remove pollen from nasal passages and clear mucous build up
    4. Keep windows closed in both house/car- This prevents pollens and dust from flying inside
    5. Get an air purifier with filters/ Humidifier- Helps keep air clean and moist and nasal passages clear
    6. De allergy your home- Dust and vacuum regularly esp. furniture, carpets and bedding
    7. Limit dairy and other inflammatory foods- dairy is very mucous forming and can cause congestion along with other inflammatory foods ( sugar) 
    8. Natural Supplements: 

    Quercetin- Natural Anti histamine has been shown to block the release of histamine. Also found in apples, onions and black tea or as a supplement

    NAC- Helps thin mucous and congestion

    Stinging Nettle- acts as an anti-inflammatory to help with sx of hayfever

    Vitamin C with Bioflavonoids- stabilizes mast cells which decreases histamine

    Fish oil- Can help with inflammatory symptoms of allergies

    • 03-03-2020

    Gut Health and The Microbiome. What exactly is this ‘ Microbiome’ anyways?!

    There’s a lot of buzz surrounding the gut these days; Microbiome, leaky gut, dysbiosis and food intolerances! The world of gut and digestive health can be an overwhelming one to navigate, so let’s simply break it down and get back to the basics on what the gut microbiome is, and why it is so important to our overall health and wellbeing. Research is exploding with new information about how our gut’s function extends far beyond digestion, affecting things like mental health and mood, immune health, cardiovascular health and weight management to name a few. 

    What is the gut microbiome?

    Think of your microbiome as an entire ecosystem. A community of microorganisms including mostly bacteria, viruses and fungi. These are referred to as ‘microbes’. These microbes live mainly inside your intestines ( and on your skin) and play an enormous role in our overall health. These bacteria of course help with digestion and assimilation of our food and nutrients, but we are learning that their role extends far beyond that. There are various factors that influence the type and amount of bacteria we host. 

    It is estimated that people have more ‘non human’ cells in their body than human cells. Roughly 40 trillion bacterial cells and up to 1,000 different species of bacteria are found in the gut and make up 1-3% of our overall body weight. ( 2-6lbs!)

    While some of these bacteria are associated with disease, the majority are extremely important for the day to day functioning of the physiological processes taking place in our bodies. 

    Such functions include:

    • Digestion and Gut Health: Fiber plays an important role for or gut. Prebiotics, a known fiber, is digested by certain bacteria in the gut, easing symptoms of “IBS”. An imbalance of good and bad bacteria can cause these sx of IBS including bloating, cramps, and abdominal pain. This is caused by the fact that these microbes produce a lot of gas and other chemicals which contribute to intestinal discomfort. 
    • Immune Health: The microbiome controls how the immune system works, from communicating with immune cells to responding to an infection
    • Brain Health and Mood: Certain species of bacteria help produce neurotransmitters. Seratonin is a NT that is mostly made in the gut. There are more receptors for serotonin in the gut than in the brain. A number of studies show that people with psychological disorders have different species of bacteria in their gut, compared to healthy people. Other studies show that certain strains of probiotics can improve symptoms of depression and other mental health concerns. 
    • Cardiovascular Health
    • Metabolism and weight management

    It is important to remember that our gut microbiome is unique to you and acts as a “blueprint”. Finding the right balance for optimizing your microbiome is a process that is unique to you, however there are many factors that influence the amount of overall bacteria we have, and the types of varying bacteria we have- both equally important for our health. Some of this in under our control ( think diet, lifestyle, food sensitivities, supplementation, hydration, stress management and hormone balancing) while others may not be in our control ( think genetics, illness, stressful events). Finding the right balance for optimizing your gut microbiome is a process that is unique to you. 

    How does the gut microbiome develop?

    The microbiome begins to affect the body the moment we are born. We begin to populate our gut very early in life, without knowing it. We first come into contact with it as soon as we pass through the birth canal. Some even suggest we are exposed to it in the womb. When you’re born there are many factors that influence the types of bacteria you host- your genetics and health of your parents, whether you were delivered vaginally or by C section and whether you were breast or bottle fed. 

    As we age, the microbiome begins to diversify, meaning it starts to contain many different types of microbial species. There are various ways to shape the diversity of this flora, and as mentioned some are more difficult to change, therefore shifting our focus onto broader behaviors that we can control, is vital to promote a well-functioning gut microbiome.  

    Eat a diverse range of food. Food rotation every 4 days will ensure differing and adequate nutrients and types of fiber, as well as preventing food sensitivities. Higher microbiome diversity is considered better for overall health. Such diversity may mean that your gut is in a better position to fight off and resist pathogens. Plus, if one strain of bacteria is for some reason unable to do its job, another similar type can step in. In particular, fibrous foods like legumes, whole grains, fruit and vegetables. 

    • Eat fermented foods and take probiotics regularly. Think sauerkraut, tempeh, kombucha and kefir. These live bacterial cultures will restore gut flora and prevent an overgrowth of the bad bacteria. 
    • Eat prebiotic foods. This type of fiber will stimulate the growth of healthy bacteria. Think artichokes, banana, apple, oats and asparagus
    • Eat whole grains. Not only do they contain a lot of fiber, but beneficial carbs like beta glucan which are digested by the gut bacteria, help benefit weight, cancer risk, and diabetes.
    • Eat foods rich in polyphenols. Plant compounds in wine, green tea and dark chocolate are broken down by the gut to produce healthy bacterial groth
    • Avoid antibiotics as much as possible. These kill off both the good and the bad flora
    • Get tested for food sensitivities and avoid yours. Foods that your body cant digest or break down further contribute to underlying inflammation in the gut and digestive concerns
    • Avoid inflammatory foods as much as possible
    • Supplement with proper digestive support such as ( probiotics) digestive enzymes, hydrochloric acid where it’s needed, L glutamine among others
    • Avoid artificial sweeteners. Aspartame and others have been shown to increase blood sugar by stimulating the growth of unhealthy bacteria like enterobacteria in the gut microbiome. 
    • Stress management ( think acid reflux, ulcers, inflammation)
    • Sleep hygiene
    • Exercise regularly 


    What is dysbiosis?

    In some instances the gut microbiome becomes imbalanced, meaning there is a disruption between the good and bad bacteria.  Researching is finding that this may actually be an underlying cause for some of the most prevelant clinical conditions we are seeing right now. In small amounts these microbacteria found in our bodies are extremely beneficial and important for immune function and digestion, but when this balance is disturbed, with an increase growth in bad bacteria, this damages the way our digestive tract functions. As dysbiosis is becoming a growing problem in individuals, we are also seeing a rise in decreased immune function, thus leading to health conditions. 

    Dysbiosis can be caused by various things such as:

    • Overprescribing of antibiotics, wiping out all good flora, leaving it hard to repopulate and reseed
    • Standard North American diet, high is processed and refined foods, sugars, additives and preservatives. These foods all adversely alter the flora and balance, creating and environment where bad bacteria/candida can flourish. This food is also nutritionally void and calorically dense, resulting in obesity yet nutritionally starved at the same time. 
    • Foodborne pathogens, lingering pesticides, unwashed fruits and vegetables
    • Drinking two or more alcoholic beverages a day/ drug use
    • High levels of stress and anxiety
    • Certain medications that decrease acid production ( PPI’s and antacids) 
    • Exposure to toxic and heavy metals and chemicals

      Common symptoms of dysbiosis include:

    • Bad breath
    • Upset stomach
    • Bloating and distention
    • Nausea and or vomiting
    • Constipation, diarrhea or irregular bowel movements
    • Fatigue
    • Brain fog
    • Poor concentration and memory
    • Vaginal itching/ yeast infections
    • Skin infections and rashes
    • Anxiety and depression

    What is leaky gut?

    Also known as increased intestinal permeability, is a digestive concern, where bacteria, toxins, and undigested food particles are able to “leak” through the intestinal wall.  Generally speaking, a healthy gut itself has a barrier and tight junctions that are effective at keeping these contents from getting absorbed into the bloodstream. An unhealthy gut lining may have large cracks or holes, allowing this partially digested food, toxins, and bugs to penetrate the tissues beneath it. This may trigger inflammation and may change the gut flora, thus affecting digestion and varying other inflammatory health conditions. 

    Research is booming with studies showing that modifications in the intestinal bacteria and inflammation may play a role in the development of several common chronic diseases. We already know that increased intestinal permeability or “leaky gut”, plays a role in GI conditions such as IBD (Chron’s and Colitis), Celiac disease and IBS. Other studies are showing that leaky gut may be associated with autoimmune conditions. This is an exciting time in science and medicine for the continuing development of how our gut microbiome directly influences our overall health. 

    Luckily, as we can see, there are several things we can do to keep our gut microbiota healthy, balanced and functioning optimally. How you eat, your exercise and sleep habits, your stress management techniques, the supplements you take and medications you take all affect and are examples of healthy gut loving tips all within our control. 


    • 13-02-2020

    Reacquainting yourself with Healthy hunger

    Did you know that as babies we were actually born with these hunger and satiety cues? Babies naturally eat when they are hungry. They cry asking for food and innately stop when they are full. Along the way, as adults, these cues have been lost or forgotten, and now we need to reacquaint ourselves with them. Lets bring it back to Healthy Hunger

    1. Establish your why.  This is a very crucial step in your ability to get back to healthy hunger. “why” do you want to do this? It has to go beyond the “ I want to lose weight” piece. Specifically, why do you want to lose weight? This “WHY” will becomes your motivating force and the difference between eating the cooking or leaving it alone. People with a strong why will always be more successful than people who don’t. once you have your “why” determined, write it down and place it somewhere where you can be continually reminded that it is more than just looking good.
    2. Keep a Diary.  I want you to record what you are eating. Everything ranging from breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks and beverages.  It would be extra beneficial to write down what times you are eating at as well. Studies show over and over again that people who keep a food diary not only consume fewer calories, but are more accountable to themselves and in tune with their bodies. I want you to take it one step further, and record your moods and emotional responses to the changes you are making. This will help you when you start doing the deeper work to get you through ‘Heart Hunger’. 
    3. Practice mindful eating. Stop and literally chew your food aiming for 20 complete chews. Put your fork down in between bites. Take a breath. Taste the food. Enjoy the textures. Stop eating on the go, on the run, in front of the tv, in front of the computer screen or when talking on the phone. Be present in the moment as you are eating. When you are eating, try making it the only activity you are engaging in. When you make your first sigh of being full, that is your cue to stop. 
    4. First Raid the Kitchen. You are tasked to go through your kitchen with a big old box and a giant garbage bag. In your box goes your unopened canned and perishable goods which you can provide to those in need, a local shelter or community centre or charity. Into the garbage bag goes the stuff that has already been opened and that you now need to get rid of. It isn’t enough to say “ oh my daughter will eat that box of cookies”. Nope! You will! One night four nights from now, when this shift just seems too hard, you will think just one is ok or maybe two. Maybe you will eat the whole bag, maybe you wont, but we want this stuff out of your house, out of your body and out of your life, so throw it out now instead. By not having temptations around you, you will better be able to remain focused and in control and making and sticking to these necessary changes. 
    5. Then love the kitchen. My hope is that your transition to a whole foods sparked a love for being in the kitchen. To stay healthy, you must really make your own food from whole ingredients from the earth. Processed foods contain so much added preservatives, sugar, salt and unnecessary preserving agents, additives and chemicals that we should not be consuming them in the quantities we are. In fact, I can argue that these foods really are the reason we are facing the obesity epidemic we are today. Please take the time to cook homemade meals. They do not need to be elaborate or fancy, all I ask is that they are made from real food and real ingredients that you can pronounce and recognize. It may seem overwhelming at first as we are all busy people with a lot going on, but that is definitely no excuse to frequent a drive through 5 times a week, or indulge in takeout or delivery on a regular basis. It is possible to eat healthy and wholesome every meal of every day, it just requires getting organized and planning a bit at first, until it becomes easier and more manageable to carry out on a regular basis. My trick is to cook up a storm at one time, allowing extras to be frozen and placed into portioned containers for another day that you may in fact be too busy, or too lazy and don’t feel like making something from scratch. I always recommend meal prep on the weekends, when you have one hour, instead of watching tv or while the laundry is running, to make the time. If you wait to find the time, it wont happen. You have to make the time, make it a priority so it actually gets done. Here are a few ideas to prep for the week: 
    • Boil a pot of quinoa- it makes for a great protein rich salad topper in the week
    • Salads in a jar. For quick lunches at work, layer salad dressing, lettuce, kale, veggies and toppings in a mason jar.
    • Hardboiled eggs
    • Chicken breasts sliced for salads or stirfrys
    • Salmon cakes
    • Bean burgers
    • Bean salads
    • Homemade guacamole
    • Homemade hummus
    • Nut butters
    • Sliced fruit and veg 
    • Roasted vegetables
    • Stews
    • Soups
    • Chilis

    These all make for quick and easy meals or snacks that you can take on the go, or freeze for a lunch or dinner at a later time. Making meals ahead of time, grocery shopping, chopping, planning and prepping both meals and snacks will become an extremely important factor in your success. When we are busy, and don’t have anything prepared, we reach for what is quick, easy and convenient. 

    1. Use the Hunger scale daily. The hunger scale is a tool that will help aid you and guide you toward your goals by avoiding mindless eating. This should keep you in touch with your hunger and satiety centres. 
    2. Starving- weak, lightheaded, irritable
    3. Uncomfortably hungry- hard to concentrate
    4. Very hungry- ready to eat now, stomach is rumbling
    5. Slightly uncomfortable- starting to feel signs of hunger
    6. Comfortable and satisfied
    7. Perfectly comfortable
    8. Full- a little bit uncomfortable
    9. Uncomfortably full- starting to feel bloated. “I ate more than I should have”
    10. Too full- need to loosen pants
    11. Stuffed - food coma, thanksgiving dinner full, Christmas dinner full, cant breathe full


    Realistically, you should only eat if you are feeling 1, 2 or 3. Put your fork down at 5 and wait until the next meal to eat again. If you are trying to lose weight, stopping at 5 allows you to eat less than your body is burning. Don’t wait for 1 or 2 to start eating. By this point, all rational decision making has gone out the window and the likelihood of you reaching for a salad is overwhelmed by a biologically propelled craving for calorie dense food. Start eating at number 3, when you are very hungry and ready to yet, yet not desperate enough to eat anything and everything in your path. You want to have enough hunger pangs that your cue to eat is evident and clear, but still being able to stay in control of what and how much you are eating, making the right choices for both. Once again, don’t wait until you are weak, light headed, dizzy, shaky or irritable. If you do, your next steps will take you further away from your goals and habits that we are trying to positively change. Always ask yourself, is this taking me steps closer to my goal or taking me backwards away from my goal? Is this helping me or hurting me? Is this in alignment with what I want? 

    Now, the next part of this hunger scale. When to stop? Stop eating at number 6, when you are perfectly comfortable and satisfied. You may feel like you could or would want to eat more, but could quickly shift to too full, bloated and reach to loosen your pants. It takes 20minutes after you have eaten, for your brain to register full and have the satiety signals kick in. so if you stop eating slightly before you are too full, 20 minutes later you will likely be there. Staying on the hunger scale between number 3 and number 6 should be your goal. This will ensure you don’t starve and don’t stuff, it will also ensure that you feel lighter and more energetic as opposed to lethargic and heavy. If you need to check in mid meal, and see where you are at on the scale, go for it. Actually, I encourage you to do so. Put your fork down, take a breath, and check in with yourself. Over time, practicing this routine will become a sure habit and healthy hunger will be established. 

    • 10-02-2020

    The Scary Facts About Heart Disease and Women That Will Get Your Blood Pumping

    I bet when you think of a heart attack, you imagine an older, larger man clutching his left arm before crashing to the ground. You probably don’t immediately think of your Aunt Susan or your best friend Kim, or your son’s teacher Mrs. Dhaliwal. Maybe because Auntie Sue always seems to have so much energy and Kim is young and Mrs. Dhaliwal…well, she’s a woman and women have 99 health issues but heart disease isn’t one of them. Right? Wrong! 

    Here are some scary statistics you need to know about, straight from the Women’s Heart Health Report of 2018:

    Every 20 minutes a woman in Canada dies of heart disease.

    Heart disease is the leading cause of premature death for Canadian women.

    5 times more women die from heart disease than breast cancer.

    Early heart attack signs were missed in 78% of women.

    Women who have a heart attack are more likely to suffer or die from a second heart attack than men.

    Why the gender bias then when it comes to heart disease? 

    The bias begins in research. Two thirds of clinical research on heart disease focuses on men and is then applied to the entire population. This makes no sense when women’s hearts are anatomically different from men. Our research is sub-par, and our testing methods follow suit. You can’t get accurate information about a woman’s heart from a machine that is designed to test a man’s. According to Yves Savoie, CEO of Heart & Stroke, “Women’s hearts are still misunderstood. We are decades behind in our knowledge of the differences between men’s and women’s hearts.”

    The Women’s Heart Health Report http://www.heartandstroke.ca/-/media/pdf-files/canada/2018-heart-month/hs_2018-heart-report_en.ashx?la=en&hash=3BBC7F1DD1DA3EDC6B2B0E9BB31E855268C051EB put out earlier this year by Heart & Stroke is telling and terrifying – but important to read and understand. Ladies, knowledge is power. And teaming up with a medical professional you trust is a great part of advocating for your own best health.

    In my practice, my focus is on preventative care for this life-giving organ. Each patient is different and requires a customized plan but there are some general things you can do to keep your heart happy. 


    1. Eat a low-sodium diet that is loaded with fruits and vegetables. Remember, not all vegetables are created equal – swap a Caesar salad for a quinoa and black bean salad the next time you are out for lunch. Think of it as making one choice at a time. When you feel hungry next, make the best choice you can. 
    2. Work that muscle! And do it in a sustainable, fun way that is perfect for you. That might mean starting out twice a week with a personal trainer. Or it could mean looking up videos on how to use the stairs at home to work out your glutes and quads. Throw in some music! Choose to make this your time. And if you start out slowly and then build up, you’re more likely to continue working out over a longer period of time than if you burn yourself out at the gym 6 days a week. 
    3. Look for ways to reduce stress. Ok, easier said than done, you tell me. I get it. I’m a mom and I work and I do everything I can for my family. But I know that if I don’t take some time for myself, I start to lose my edge. Working out helps me reduce stress but so does saying ‘no’ to things I really don’t want to invest my time in. It’s going to look different for everyone but if you can work in one way to reduce stress at this point, that is a great start! It’s amazing what an hour in the garden by yourself can do if you’re someone who loves to connect in Nature. Lowering stress reduces your blood pressure which significantly decreases your chance of a heart attack.
    4. Take heart-healthy supplements to support everything else you do. There are many different brands and products that you can find in health food stores; it’s best to check with your naturopath to decide what would work for you. In general, CoQ10, magnesium and omega 3’s are noted for their heart-healthy properties. CoQ10 can increase levels of HDL (also known as the ‘good’ cholesterol) tipping the ratio in favour of a happy heart. If you experience palpitations, you may be deficient in magnesium which is responsible for innervating the nerves that keep the heart beating regularly. And if you haven’t jumped on the omega 3’s bandwagon, you may want to look into this. Fatty oils from fish like salmon, mackerel and herring are known to decrease triglycerides and lower blood pressure among other amazing benefits. 
    5. Keep a record of any symptoms that bother you. Sometimes by the time we get in to see a medical professional, we forget the details of the incidents we want to talk about. Like how long a palpitation lasted, or when it occurred, or what else was happening at the time. These could be important details to mention so it’s best to keep track somewhere. Along the same vein, if you are dissatisfied with your visit or didn’t feel ‘heard,’ advocate for yourself by speaking up again. And if you are still not feeling comfortable with the results of a visit, try a second opinion. 

    You have many people counting on you to live a long, healthy life but there’s no one more in control of that than you. It’s important that medical research catch up to the point where more is known about a woman’s heart and what makes it tick – and what makes it not – but in the meantime, there is a lot you can do to advocate for yourself and take care of your precious heart.

    • 02-02-2020

    8 Ways To Combat High Blood Pressure In The Kitchen

    The Silent Killer. Sounds like the title of a movie you don’t want to watch alone, late at night; it conjures up the image of a dark shadow lurking by the living room window, looking in on the unsuspecting babysitter. Unfortunately, the silent killer we’re talking about here relates to your health and isn’t something you can switch off or ignore. 

    High blood pressure, or hypertension, has earned this nasty nickname because it can be present without any symptoms. It’s also one of the leading causes of death in North America. Unlike a horror movie, however, you have some control over how the scenes play out! Knowledge is power and there is plenty of information out there that is helpful, encouraging and even life-saving. I’m dishing out the goods here, like a handy cheat sheet for you to embark on a path to a heart-healthy lifestyle. 

    To begin with, it’s important to understand what blood pressure is and why you don’t want it to be high. Basically, as your heart pumps blood throughout your body, it pounds against the sides of your blood vessels. Your blood pressure is the strength of that pushing. So, you can see that if your blood pressure is too high, it’s bad news for your arteries and your heart; they all become weaker. This can lead to heart attack and stroke.  

    As with most matters of the body, what you eat is vital! Let’s take charge by understanding how nutrients affect our body so we can combat high blood pressure with some good eats!  What you want to focus on is the relationship between potassium and salt in your body. These two must live in balance to keep your kidney happy. Your kidney eliminates fluids by filtering your blood, then sends the extra fluid to your bladder so it can see itself out. The kidney’s job is important because if we retain too much fluid, our blood pressure goes up. Unfortunately, when we eat salt, we disrupt the kidney’s work. But our friend, potassium, solves that problem by balancing out the effects of salt. It’s like its superpower! Thankfully, we can get potassium from a variety of fruits, vegetables and other foods so we can create a delicious plan of action that starts in the kitchen. 

    8 Foods That Combat High Blood Pressure That Need To Be On Your Grocery List

    1. Leafy greens. Get creative with your dark green lettuces, kale, swiss chard, mustard greens, spinach and cabbage! You can enjoy them in a salad but why not throw them in a smoothie? Frozen greens have just as many nutrients as fresh, and they help create the perfect texture for a creamy smoothie. Add a handful to your wrap or sandwich or wilt some on the stove with some balsamic vinegar to dress up your plate. Throw a little baby spinach into your tomato sauce in the last few minutes of cooking before you serve it on your whole-grain pasta. There are so many ideas out there that make eating at least one serving a day super easy. https://lesliebeck.com/articles/2017/04/24/7-ways-to-eat-more-leafy-greens
    2. Berries. These are also great fresh or frozen. A delicious addition to any smoothie or topped on cereal, granola or non-dairy yogurt, it’s not hard to get in a handful of blueberries, raspberries or strawberries. Berries also make a tasty dessert or snack, so if you can’t throw them in to a regular meal, you can have a guilt-free treat at some point throughout the day!
    3. Beets. Also known as ‘nature’s candy’ and with good reason! They are so tasty simply roasted. They have a natural sweetness and are totally versatile in how you can serve them up. 
    4. Oatmeal. Remember when you went to your grandma’s house for sleepovers and she served you a comforting bowl of warm oatmeal in the morning? She knew what she was doing! It’s a high-fiber, low-sodium way to start the day, and very easy to prepare. Try this overnight oats recipe and then add in your berries for extra heart-healthy goodness. http://ohsheglows.com/2015/07/22/vegan-overnight-oats/
    5. Bananas. Have you heard of the Potassium Bullet before? That would be your average banana, super high in potassium and just as easy to eat, even on the go. Just another reason to love this natural sweetener!
    6. Salmon and other fish with Omega-3s. There are so many good things to say about eating fish like salmon, mackerel, trout and others. They do wonders for your heart health because their omega-3 fatty acids lower blood pressure and triglycerides. The ways in which you can prepare them are countless and they can easily be paired with leafy greens for a complete meal that you can feel good about. 
    7. Garlic. It makes sense that widening your arteries can lower your blood pressure, and superfood garlic does just that by increasing the nitric oxide in your body. Garlic is found in plenty of tasty (and aromatic!) dishes or if you’re brave, you can swallow it raw after chopping a clove and letting it sit exposed to the air for a minute. Chase it down with a glass of water and carry on with your day, knowing you just did something awesome for your hard-working heart!
    8. Olive oil. Last but certainly not least, it’s easy to get in your good fats with some olive oil in your homemade salad dressing. You can make a simple vinaigrette like this one https://www.kitchentreaty.com/how-to-make-a-simple-vinaigrette-salad-dressing/ to dress up those leafy greens, or toss some plain olive oil and chopped herbs onto pasta for a nice light lunch.

    When you are armed with this knowledge and a heart-smart grocery list, the ‘silent killer’ has got nothing on you! Get your culinary creative juices flowing in the kitchen and write the plot of your healthy life.

    • 16-04-2019

    I am thinking of having a baby soon, is there anything I can do now to get ready?

    • 29-03-2019

    Does My Child Have Food Allergies or Food Sensitivities? What's the difference?

    In the eighties and nineties, going to school with a peanut butter sandwich in your lunchbox was the norm. Now most schools are nut free and parents are hyper vigilant following baby first food best practices to avoid future allergies and food sensitivities. Most of us know a child who has a life-threatening food allergy or some kind of reaction to a particular food. A question that many of us are used to asking when other children to come over to play is, “Does your child have any food allergies?” 
    Here to weigh in on food allergies and food sensitivities is New Westminster Naturopathic Physician, Dr. Allana Polo. 
    "It’s good that we are aware of the different types of reactions but with the overlap of some of the symptoms, things get a little confusing," says Dr. Polo "One of the biggest questions I get from my patients who are parents is: how do we know if our child has an actual food allergy or if they are just sensitive to a particular food?"

    Food Allergies

    A food allergy is when the body’s immune system reacts as though it needs to fight off disease. The first exposure to the offending food has no outward effect on the body. But on the inside, an antibody called IgE is created against that particular food. The next time that food is ingested, it binds to the antibodies that are now floating around in the system and triggers an actual reaction like cramping, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, gas, hives and even difficulties breathing.

    An allergic reaction takes place immediately after eating or can take up to several hours to manifest. If the reaction is going to be as severe as an anaphylactic shock, it will usually occur within the first hour after ingestion. Anaphylactic shock is deadly and requires immediate medical attention. The symptoms are wheezing, difficulty breathing, swelling of the tongue and throat, and fainting. Usually if someone knows they have an anaphylactic reaction to a certain food they will carry an auto-injector of epinephrine with them to counteract the reaction.

    Some of the more common food allergies in children include peanuts, soy, milk, wheat and eggs. 

    Food Sensitivities or Intolerance

    Generally, the words sensitivity and intolerance are used interchangeably. A sensitivity actually has nothing to do with the immune system. The symptoms in this case stem from an inability to digest the food. Symptoms (commonly nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea and bloating) usually appear about half an hour after ingestion but can also take up to 48 hours to really show themselves. Heartburn and headaches are also indications of food sensitivity or intolerance.

    Two of the most common food intolerances are dairy and gluten. That’s why, in my practice, dairy and gluten are two substances I ask my patients to eliminate when we are testing to see how their body responds on and off these foods. Not everyone who has sensitivity to gluten has Celiac disease. The latter is completely different, where any gluten consumed actually damages the intestinal lining. 

    Some Key Differences Between Food Allergies And Sensitivities

    An allergic reaction can occur even when only a tiny amount of the allergen is present. For a sensitivity to be detected, generally a normal portion size needs to be consumed. 

    An allergic reaction happens more immediately, whereas a sensitivity can make itself known days later.

    An allergic reaction can be life-threatening but a sensitivity is not.

    You can work with your naturopathic doctor to determine what your child is sensitive to and even the extent to which the food needs to be avoided. In some cases, by using an elimination diet and then slowly reintroducing a food into your diet, a food sensitivity can be eliminated! 

    • 18-03-2019

    Detoxification- Is it really necessary?

    What to consider before starting a cleanse.

    I won’t lie, when I was studying nutrition, and was introduced to the idea of detoxification back in my undergraduate days I was not convinced that this was something we needed as human beings. By nature, I am an open minded skeptic, and so naturally I didn’t write the entire idea of detoxification off, but I didn’t understand why people did it, or rather, needed to do it.

    Moving forward many years later, I realize that my hesitation around detoxification was the cookie cutter nature that I witnessed, the replication of celebrities committing themselves to extreme fasts or juice cleanses, and the use of enemas or laxatives without any assessment or supervision. 

    It wasn’t the idea of the detoxification that had me turned off, it was the marketing behind it. 

    In practice I am putting people on detoxes very regularly, but they aren’t called detoxes or cleanses, but are in the form of food elimination diets, IV therapy, hypo-allergenic diets, setting boundaries in relationships, hydrotherapy practices, utilizing botanicals for elimination, regular infrared sauna sessions etc. It is important to recognize that detox comes in many shapes and forms, but an alteration in what you are currently doing is in essence a very gentle detox. However, detox extends beyond diet, it also can mean detoxing from toxic people, toxic habits such as drinking regularly, smoking, using your phone when you are with company and the use of toxic materials such as detergents, cleaning agents, plastics and more. 

    Detox means, getting rid of unwanted toxins, and frankly in a world that is in no short supply of toxic accessibility in all shapes and forms, labelling something as a detox, to force you to have intention and accountability might be one of the best things you do every year. 

    So let’s let go of the word, and focus on the why. There are many reasons why our body needs a break. We are ON, 24/7, 365 a year, for our entire lives. This is a beautiful thing, but depending on the life we choose to live, our exposures mount up. On one extreme, pathologies begin to show up when our toxic burden has reached its max, and on the opposite end of the spectrum, the focus on supporting our body regularly can also be highly beneficial. Ultimately our cups are all different so naturally some people can manage a greater toxic burden than others, and some of us just get used to our baseline of feeling a certain way. This is not just about physiology but about environment- physical, environmental (epigenetic,) mental and emotional. 

    The practice of fasting, which is prevalent in almost all major religions is a form of detox. Lent is a form of detox. Hot and cold therapy is a form of detox. As a society, we have always given our body a break, recognizing that this is what we need.

    Detox for a specific concern such as addressing heavy metals may require chelation and more specific directions. Detox as a form of reset, however, can be tailored to you, for your needs, and what your body can handle.

    So before you begin a detox, there are a few things to keep in mind that will help you be more successful.

    1. Determine what your body can handle
      I regularly will say to my patients, that if you are running on fumes, detox is not the priority. Re-building and nourishing your body is. This is really important, because our personal motivation to cleanse is different, but detox is a stress on the body. If you are already stressed, have poor immune health, feel depleted or low energy, or have medical concerns, your cleanse needs to be tailored to what you can handle. Sometimes, the detox is purging emotions that have been stuck, while focusing on rest and repair. Other times it may be a water cleanse, with rest, a bit of brown rice, sauna and meditation. And even other times it may be the removal of high inflammatory foods. Everyone is different, doing a one-size-fits-all detox is not smart. You really need to do what is going to benefit you, and more extreme doesn’t always mean better. 

    2. Your Emunctories
      You are probably thinking, what is she talking about! We have 5 organs of elimination- maybe 6 if you’re a menstruating female. These are: sweating (skin), urination (kidneys), bowel movements (gut), Lymph (follows blood on a vascular level), and Liver (processing); if you are a female your menstrual cycle is also a method of elimination. Your periods can tell you a lot about what is going on in your body! These need to be working, well. This is the starting point before doing any detox or cleanse, because if your process of elimination isn’t great, then you really should be starting here first. Get your systems warmed up and working first, no athlete runs a marathon without training and a warm up first. The same goes for a cleanse, particularly the more aggressive it is, the more your body needs to be aligned.

    1. Lifestyle
      Detoxification is dependent on what you already do. If you are the type of person who doesn’t pay attention to diet, cannot sweat, has gut concerns and drinks more coffee/soda/juice then water, you need to start with supporting your natural body’s process of elimination. Our body is highly metabolic, there is a process of constant building and breaking down. Understanding that small changes over time can yield great benefit, particularly when lifestyle needs to be addressed, should be the start. Habits take time to form, and also to break. If this is an area that needs support, and you are motivated, set yourself up for long term success. If your lifestyle is inclusive of healthy habits, then you are in a great position to explore other options. The goal is improvement in your health,
      your mindset, the “why,” needs to be explored.

    2. The Mind-Body Connection
      Many detox programs focus on elimination and restriction, but a very important aspect of detox is emotional. We live in a society that is highly motivated, fast-paced, superficial and most of us are carrying emotional energy that has not been dealt with. The compounding effect of this is draining to your spirit, your soul and your sense of self. The most outwardly appearing healthy individuals may not be healthy inside, even though they eat greens, meditate, practice breath work etc. We are more than the physical, and an emotional and mental detox is just as important as a physical one. If you are looking at cleansing, there should be some aspect of personal work included in this. We get accustomed to feeling a certain way, handling things or suppressing them (internally or with medication), and the disconnect between our mind-body continues to get more pronounced.

    Lastly, always remember that your body truly is on your side. Your body wants to help you, and supporting yourself, is a form of self love. 

    Most of us don’t admire how resilient we are as human beings, the amount we can handle, how we can be adaptable and so much more. Support that, embrace it, celebrate it and love your body. If you are thinking about a cleanse, take the time to understand why you need it, from all aspects of your life; and even if you cannot think of why, there is no limit to how much love you can give to your self. You don’t need a reason, but if you have one, then better even to be specific about what your needs are at this time. And always remember, if you don’t know where to begin, that is ok, and actually very normal. Seek a health care practitioner that you resonate with, that can help you cleanse appropriately, that is what they are here for. 


    By: Dr. Mashael Mawji, ND
    BSc. FNH (Hon)

    • 25-02-2019

    Mens Health- Is it more than just testosterone?

    Naturally, as men age, their testosterone declines. As human biology dictates, we expect this, and a natural decline in sex hormones occurs in both men and women. Younger men, however, are presenting with symptoms of low testosterone, even in their 20’s. The key word here is symptoms of low testosterone, but when we test their testosterone levels, we often see that they are within the range they should be for age and sex (in many young men.) So why are so many young men showing up with symptoms of low sexual desire, trouble with morning erections or less spontaneous erections, low mood, depression and fatigue?

    I have definitely heard my fair share of gym bro talk, and some of this information is harmful and incorrect. Knowledge sharing is important, but when it comes to our health, I do not believe that a one size fits all approach is ideal. General health recommendations are the starting point for good health, but when there are concerns, identifying the cause should be the beginning. Hormones are powerful, which is why when they are out of balance, low, or even high, we often experience symptoms. Keeping that in mind, there are lots of things to consider before starting on testosterone replacement therapy that you should be discussing with your prescribing physician. 

    So, what are some other reasons you may be feeling symptoms of low testosterone, when in fact your testosterone levels are ok?


    We live in a world where our exposure to household products, detergents, fillers in food, diet and plastics, promote an estrogenic state in our body. Often times, we supplement with so many things, but do not take time to address our gut microbiome or liver metabolism which play a strong role in the detoxification and elimination of our hormones. Testosterone has many pathways, and one of them is the formation of Estradiol. This is through a process called aromatization. Some men feel that they don’t have enough testosterone, but hormones behave relative to each other. A higher level of estrogen for a man can definitely make his testosterone feel like its low, when it isn’t.


    The main producers of testosterone are the testes and the adrenal glands. During periods of stress, our pituitary gland sends out a hormone called adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) that acts on our adrenal glands to produce cortisol. This helps us cope with stress, but the feedback is to inhibit another hormone called Gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH.) This is the relationship between the HPA (Hypothalamic-pituitary axis) and the HPG (Hypothalamic- pituitary gonad axis.)  Recall that stress comes in different forms, and as individuals, our ability to cope is individual. As children we are programmed differently to deal with stress, and some people may have experienced stress earlier in life and now it is impacting them in the present day. Other forms of stress people often don’t think about are when we get sick. Our immune health can also be a cause of stress. Most people today experience stress due to work-life balance and the demands of society. I find many of my patients benefit from support here, particularly using nutrition and botanical medicine! 

    Body fat

    We are all genetically different but depending on your personal baseline, body fat can be contributing to feelings of low testosterone. One reason is because the hormone androstenedione that is made in adipose, breast and axillary fat, can convert to either testosterone or estrogen. Studies show that peripheral aromatization is favored (in both men and women) which means that the favored conversion is to produce estrogen. This is often why people will say that fat is estrogenic. Extra adipose tissue also has an impact on other hormones such as insulin, adiponectin and leptin. Having a healthy body weight is important for so many reasons, not just your hormones!


    The focus here really is on diversity. Our gut and liver really are so important for us to process and eliminate effectively. Most people are not getting enough vegetables, particularly cruciferous and leafy greens. A lack of diversity in our diet also has implications on the beneficial bacteria that support our mental health, hormonal health, immune health, digestive health, skin health and more! Eating late at night influences our growth hormone as well, which affects our ability to build, regenerate and repair. I always tell my patients that it is what we do 80% of the time that shows up in our life- this includes our exercise routine, the food we consume (and I am talking about realfood,) the time of day we are eating, the diversity in our diet and so much more! 


    There are a plethora of reasons that people are low in different micronutrients. There are micronutrient tests which I will sometimes use to understand exactly what the concern is, especially in the patient that seems like they are doing a lot of things right. However, there are common vitamins and minerals that most people are low in, and this can be for a variety of reasons such as: poor diet, gut health, chronic stress, medications they are taking, age, genetically being predisposed to certain deficiencies, other comorbidities, a lack of dietary diversity and more. Re-building requires the right building blocks, and nutrients play a significant role in our ability to produce hormones. 

    This article is meant to be educational, and to provide a perspective that I feel is often missing when we approach men’s health. There are many different ways to treat symptoms, but treating symptoms is not always the right approach. Managing symptoms, starting with foundations in supporting the body and trying to understand where the problem is coming from, I believe should be the primary approach. 

    Written by: Dr. Mashael Mawji, ND
    BSc. FNH (Hon)

    • 09-02-2019

    My Top 5 Nutrients to support your Eye Health

    My Top 5 Nutrients to support your Eye Health

    Eye health is a common concern for many people and can include dry eyes, redness, progressively decreasing eye sight, cataracts, age related macular degeneration and more. In fact, my recent visit with my Ophthalmologist is one of many reasons for this blog post (besides popular request!) Apparently my corneal thickness would allow me to undergo a series of laser eye surgeries, which he doesn’t see too often; and he has definitely evaluated a lot of eyes!!! He was impressed, and wanted me to share what I was doing with him, and so this is just some information on a few things you can be doing to help support your eye health.

    The focus of this will be on nutrients, but remember, secondary conditions, medications you are taking and your lifestyle play a huge role in eye health.

    Your eye contains small blood vessels and relies on tears and certain membranes for nutrients, oxygen, and lubrication. Your body utilizes many of the nutrients you consume for a number of different functions, so lifestyle is extremely important when supporting eye health. Lifestyle habits include a good consumption of fruits and vegetables, wearing sunglasses in bright conditions, proper cleansing of contact lenses, lowering your cell phone brightness, taking breaks from screen time (apply a filter) and not smoking. 

              1.  Vitamin C

    Outside of the adrenal glands, the lens contains a higher level of Vitamin C than any other body organ. The aqueous humor supplies the nutrition to the lens of the eye, and can aid in the prevention of lipid peroxidation and regeneration of glutathione. Remember, Vitamin C is well absorbed but is utilized by the body for immune function, collagen synthesis, glutathione   regeneration and so much more. Some of my favourite sources of Vitamin C include Parsley, Rose hip tea, Bell peppers, and Kiwi.

              2.  Zinc

    I use Zinc a lot, for a variety of concerns including acne, immune dysfunction, taste/smell changes, DNA synthesis, hormone support, and normal growth and development. There is definitely a fine balance between Zinc and copper, so taking the right dose is important. Most of us have been told to “eat carrots” to help with night vision, which is usually focusing on the precursor to Vitamin A, beta-carotene. Zinc, however, is responsible for bringing Vitamin A to the retina from the liver, to make the protective pigment in our eyes called melanin. Often times we don’t link poor night vision, impaired vision or even cataracts to zinc, but this trace mineral is one of my favourites and is so important! My favourite dietary source of Zinc is oysters; it is also one of the highest food sources containing about 74.0mg per serving. Other sources include: pumpkin seeds, shitake mushrooms, squash and beef.

              3.  Omega-3 Fatty Acids

    A lot of people use artificial tears to remedy their dry eyes. Essential fatty acids help for a variety of eye conditions including age related macular degeneration, glaucoma and increased eye pressure. They play a role in promoting proper drainage of intraocular fluid, lubricating the eye and preventing/treating dry eyes. It takes time for omega-3’s to make a significant change in your fatty acid profile, so regular consumption over time is required to notice the benefits. Also, avoiding high omega-6 foods, hydrogenated oils and trans-fats can help improve your omega-3 fatty acid profile. Many sources of omega-3 fatty acids also contain supportive nutrients such as Vitamin A, Vitamin D and Calcium, which are important for our overall health. Dietary sources include herring, sardines, anchovies, and salmon. I find that it can be difficult to obtain therapeutic levels if you are not consuming these regularly, so I   often recommend a good quality fish oil supplement if you are treating a condition, not just preventing it!

              4. Astaxanthin

    Haven’t heard of it? Its cousin’s lycopene, lutein, beta-carotene and alpha-tocopherol are in the same family of naturally occurring pigments called carotenoids. Usually emphasized for their anti-oxidant, free radical scavenging activity, astaxanthin really is a bit unique. I chose to include this for eye health because unlike its cousins it can pass the blood-brain and blood-retinal barrier (so impressive!), allowing it to exhibit its effects specifically to support eye health. It is found in algae, and has a wide variety of benefits such as UVB absorber (UVB I like to think of as the UV rays that “burn,”) protecting the skin from radiation and damage, and supporting brain health. Research around astaxanthin focuses on its use in ARMD (Age related macular degeneration,) diabetic neuropathy, central retinal arterial and venous occlusion, inflammatory eye conditions and glaucoma. 

              5.  Vitamin A

    Vitamin A really does function best in the presence of other nutrients. Surprisingly, many people lack in Vitamin A which I believe is partly due to overburdening of the liver. Some common conditions associated with Vitamin A deficiency include type I diabetes, liver disease, alcoholism, follicular hyperkeratosis (bumps on the back of the arm), and hypothyroidism. Night blindness is often where Vitamin A plays a strong role, because retinal is a key part of rhodopsin which is the pigment responsible for absorbing light and allowing us to seeing in dim light. I strongly believe that Vitamin A is often overlooked, but its role in our body is extensive. Ensuring you are not trying to conceive, and have a healthy liver, are a few reasons to be careful when supplementing Vitamin A. See your Naturopathic Doctor to ensure you are consuming this nutrient in therapeutic and safe doses for your concerns. 

    It is always important to keep in mind that when you take a lifestyle approach or even an orthomolecular one, nutrients are vital for many functions in our body. There are symptoms you exhibit that indicate where you may be lacking in nutrients. 

    Medications can also deplete certain nutrients, for example Metformin and Vitamin B12, Oral-contraceptive pills and Vitamin B6 and B9, and some are known to be side effects for eye health such as statins and cataract development.

    So when using nutrition and nutrient therapy to replete, always remember your body needs these important nutrients for a variety of important processes, and there may be areas that will be prioritized first, before you see an improvement. The priority is always the best outcome for you, whether that means, vitamins, diet, herbs or even pharmaceuticals. 

    Assessing where improvements can be made, safely and effectively, is part of outcome based medicine! 

    By: Dr. Mashael Mawji, ND
    BSc. FNH (Hon)

    • 22-01-2019

    Whats the Dish on Fish Oil?

    With tons of supplements on the market, it can be difficult to determine what you need, the brand, the dose, and how long you should be taking it for. When we usually think of fish oil, the sensory effects like taste and burp back are huge considerations when choosing a fish oil brand.  With all this in mind, why is fish oil so heavily recommended? Whats the Dish on Fish oil?

    Fish oil has been a health recommendation for many years. It is often recommended in conditions ranging from skin health such as eczema, psoriasis, and dry skin to brain health, cognitive improvement/development, ADHD and depression as a therapeutic intervention. Our body has anywhere from 30-60 trillion cells, and each cell has a membrane that is composed of fat and protein. The fat composition in our diet has a tremendous influence on the fat in our cell membranes, which in turn has an influence on our skin, eyes, brain, joints and so much more.

    In todays culture, omega 6 fatty acids are in everything we consume. Packaged foods and conventional cooking predominantly utilize grape seed, palm, soy and vegetable oils which are sources of omega 6 fatty acids. The Standard American diet (SAD) is high in animal foods such as beef, eggs, pork and chicken, and low in cold water fish, nuts and seeds. This leaves many people deficient in omega 3 for a variety of reasons. Omega 3 fatty acids are an essential fatty acid, which means that our body is unable to produce it. A diet that is high in omega 6 fatty acids, such as the SAD, means that we are consuming 20X more omega 6 than omega 3. 

    Just as with everything in our body, the ratio of fatty acids, proteins, neurotransmitters, and hormones need to be balanced for us to be feeling good and in homeostasis. 

    So this does not mean that Omega 6 fatty acids are bad, but it means that our high consumption is changing the ratio of essential fatty acids in our body which can show up as inflammation. This inflammation is not referring to pain inflammation, but inflammation on a cellular level. When we consume nutrients and foods, they need to be processed, assimilated into membranes and, converted to other end products. This requires enzymes, but also messengers called prostaglandins. These messengers on the most basic level, tell our body whether we should induce inflammation or reduce inflammation. Thus, this can show up as dry skin, eczema, dry eyes, stiff and painful joints, trouble focusing, poor cognitive function (memory) and depression. What do all these conditions have in common? They are all inflammatory!

    If you were to try and consume enough dietary omega 3 for a therapeutic effect this would mean eating 5 servings of salmon or 27 servings of tuna a week (per 3oz serving.)

    If you choose plant sources of omega 3 fatty acids the EPA and DHA omega 3 fatty acids need to be formed in the body from alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). Depending on your diet, and if omega 3s need to be increased to therapeutic levels, it can be difficult to achieve this from diet alone. This is because the delta-6-desaturase enzyme that converts ALA to SDA which goes on to eventually form the omega 3 fatty acid EPA, is inefficient and is also used in the omega 6 pathway. Thus, a diet high in omega 6 fatty acids, makes it difficult to achieve high omega 3 levels in the body from plant sources that require the conversion of ALA to EPA. 

    Remember, your body cannot make omega 3 fatty acids. There are two main forms of omega 3, EPA(eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexanoic acid.) 

    They are both omega 3 fatty acids, but they serve different roles in the body. For example the most abundant fatty acid in the brain is DHA, which is why consumption for kids and teens is so important for brain development. EPA alternatively, is typically used for reducing inflammation and may also be used in brain health for inflammatory conditions such as memory and depression. Regular consumption is key, because omega 3s are not drugs, they are essential nutrients. It takes time for them to assimilate into your body and change the profile of your cells. Understanding how diet may influence your omega 3 fatty acid profile, the type of fatty acid that is best for you and the dose are all conversations you can have with your Naturopathic Doctor. Just as you would consume Vitamin C to prevent scurvy, remember, Omega 3s are also essential!

    Written By: Dr. Mashael Mawji, ND
    BSc. FNH (Hon)

    • 15-01-2019

    Skin - Is there a quick fix to problematic, aging skin?

    As someone who suffered from eczema, psoriasis, hyper-pigmentation and acne for years, I understand how frustrating it is to have no control over your skin. We aggressively cleanse, over medicate, and apply too many products that really dont remedy the problem as part of the fear response, the fear that if we do not do something it will get worse. Often times we strip the skin or apply so many barriers that our skin cant even breathe. If the placebo or subtle change of it improving begins, its never to last indefinitely, only for the cycle of skin stuff to start again with any sort of stress, change in lifestyle, change in temperature or even change in soap. 

    Let me tell you, my skin journey has included everything from top of the line skin care, laser treatments, facials, chemical peels, at home masks, blu-U light therapy, steroids, antibiotics (topical and internal) and even Accutane in my teens. After each treatment, new antibiotics or anything else, I would have hope, that my skin would improve, and stay better. It never did.

    Today, I go for facials occasionally, take a plethora of supplements, hydrate appropriately, eat well and use very basic skin care. My skin is great, and I often wear little to no makeup, finally being able to show off my skin after envying people for years, who had great bare clean skin. So you might be thinking, is it what I was using that has made this change? Am I seeing a new aesthetician? Was it puberty causing this? (No, this does not last 12 years!) Its none of the above. 

    I believe that superficial facial treatments can enhance your skin and improve your skin, but they cannot change your skin. 

    We spend tons of money on these treatments, expecting a full change in our skin. Some of the more aggressive treatments can definitely changeyour skin, by resurfacing or tightening it, but fundamentally, your body supplies the building blocks for this so your final lasting outcome is dependent on you. You cannot achieve good skin if you are toxic, inflamed, dont drink enough water and have a poor diet or the wrong diet for you (unless you have strong genetics, but trust me that doesnt last forever.) 

    There is no quick fix to changing your skin.

    There are many quick fixes to improvingyour skin, but when your body is producing new cells daily, what you have available and the internal environment of your body will determine what shows up outside. Your internal environment is everything from genetics, other conditions such as PCOS, asthma, food allergies, hormones and more; but it is most importantly your diet. Antiglycation endpoints also known as AGEs arent great for your cardiovascular health, and they show up in the skin as hyper-pigmentation and uneven tone. High aerobic activity and clean eating but not consuming the right type of fat might show up as thin skin, sunken temples, and hard face that looks dehydrated and aged. Consuming high mucus forming foods might be making you puffy, your features undefined, and having the appearance of poor bone structure. Chronic acne can be due to so many things not limited but including, poor gut health, toxic overload from heavy metals, parasites, too much heat in your body (from a TCM perspective), food sensitivities, chronic inflammation or more.  

    The approach you take to skin is dependent on you. 

    Sometimes we need conventional therapies such as accutane, steroids and antibiotics to get things under control, but the burden this puts on the body requires us to also replace, replenish and support what these treatments alter. This can include our liver metabolism, our gut micro biome, nutrient status, and skin thickness and sensitivity to light. Its a double edged sword, where there is no one size fits all approach because the cause of the problem is different for everyone. 

    I have used a a lifestyle approach to skin, and it works. The benefit of this approach is not only that I no longer have acne, hyper-pigmentation, eczema or psoriasis, but my skin texture has improved, I look radiant, my hair and nails are healthier, my gut is happy and I feel good. On my journey to improve my skin, I improved my overall health. There is no perfect, it takes self awareness and when I burden my body too long, things will start to show up, but its not often, its easier to control, and it doesnt last long. 

    So I am not saying dont use good skin care, or not to have enhancement treatments, but what I am saying is that these are the accessories to your skin. 

    Anything that you do that is causing skin cell turnover, micro-inflammation, using your own blood products (PRP), or influencing tightening through collagen formation will benefit from supporting your body first. 

    Ensure you have the right building blocks and co-factors to not only form great skin, but that your body can eliminate waste appropriately so that you look healthy, young and radiant. Take a holistic approach to your appearance, its not a quick fix, and it can take some time depending on the concern,

    but in my experience its absolutely worth it.


    Written by: Dr. Mashael Mawji, ND BSc. FNH (Hon)

    • 14-01-2019

    Pregnancy cravings explained

    There are a lot of theories why pregnancy cravings occur including hormonal changes, altered sense of smell, and nutrient deficiencies. In reality it’s likely that all three factors play a role and these cravings are trying to tell you something about what’s going on in your body. Some of the more common cravings include: 

    • Sweets and chocolate:
      • Sugar cravings may partly be related to the increased caloric requirements that occur with pregnancy.  You’re growing a human being and keeping yourself going so more calories will be needed. The other reason for sugar cravings is the changes in insulin sensitivity. Blood sugar levels can become erratic and this can influence your desire for sweet foods. 
      • Chocolate cravings in particular may be related to magnesium deficiencies. During pregnancy magnesium contributes to fetal development (Bone, nerves, muscle) and prevention of leg cramps and pre-eclampsia. Alternative food sources of magnesium include oats, quinoa, brown rice, spinach, kale, nuts, and seeds. 
    • Salty foods:
      • During pregnancy there is 40-50% increase in blood volume. This means that you gradually produce more blood throughout pregnancy to make sure your baby is receiving all of the oxygen and nutrients that it needs. Salt is an important component of blood so it makes sense that this is a common craving. Unfortunately salty foods are often unhealthy ones such as chips, fast food, and condiments. 
    • Meat:
      • Sometimes cravings come in the form of steak and burgers. This can possibly be pointing towards the body’s need for more protein or iron. Requirements for both nutrients are higher in pregnancy to help the growth of the baby. 
    • Ice and non-food items:
      • This might sound shocking but it isn’t uncommon to hear about women craving ice, sand, gravel, and other non-food items. The medical term for craving non-food substances is pica and can mean nutrient deficiencies are occurring, specifically iron, zinc, and calcium. If this is occurring it is important to discuss these cravings with your doctor so that appropriate testing and supplementation can be done. 

    Usually cravings aren’t concerning (Unless it is pica) but can contribute to unintended weight gain. During a normal pregnancy 25-35 pounds of weight gain should be expected although this will vary from person to person. If too much weight is gained gestational diabetes, high birth weights, and higher rates of cesarean sections can be seen. Because of this it is important to eat nutritious foods that may help prevent cravings from happening in the first place. 

    Healthy foods for pregnancy:

    • Nutrient dense foods: Dark leafy greens, berries
    • Healthy fats: Nuts, seeds, avocados, fish
    • High quality protein: Organic meats, fish, eggs, lentils, 
    • Complex carbohydrates and fiber: Various fruits and vegetables, flax, chia


    • 11-01-2019

    Travelling while pregnant

    Getting pregnant doesn’t mean traveling is out of the question and with babymoons becoming more popular it’s important to talk about how to travel during this time. With a growing belly travel can be even more stressful and uncomfortable than usual but there are natural ways to handle it. The general rule for travelling while pregnant is that it’s safest in the second trimester. Make sure you check in with your practitioner beforehand to ensure there are no complications preventing you from going on the trip. It’s also a good idea to check in with the airline to see if they have any rules surrounding pregnancy. 

    Choosing the destination: 

    • It’s a good idea to do some research into where you might be going. Some places carry a higher risk of Zika, hepatitis, and other infections. This doesn’t mean you can’t go there but it does mean you can be better prepared. Sticking to flights under 6 hours helps to decrease your chance of developing blood clots as well.  


    • Whether you’re flying or going on a road trip traveling is usually stressful. Don’t be afraid to ask for help with your bags and make sure to give yourself lots of time to get everywhere. Check in with yourself periodically and continue your favorite stress relieving activities. They may include taking naps, deep breathing, meditation, or light yoga. 

    Muscle cramps and swelling 

    • Common concerns in pregnancy are muscle cramps, varicose veins, and swollen feet which can all worsen during travel. Compression stockings support blood flow and prevent blood from pooling in your legs so you can still fit in your shoes. Walking and stretching the legs every 30 minutes will also help so getting an aisle seat is always a good idea.  


    • This goes for anyone who is traveling but is especially important in pregnancy. It’s natural to try and avoid drinking water because you may be avoiding using that tiny bathroom. However, adequate water intake is important for fighting fatigue and for the health of your baby.   It is recommended to drink 8-12 eight ounce glasses of water during pregnancy (Around 2-3 liters per day). Try to limit coffee, black tea and sugary drinks as these tend to be less hydrating. 


    • Although the nausea experienced in the first trimester might be gone travelling can make it return temporarily. Pack lots of small snacks that aren’t fried or spicy such as fruit or trail mix. Ginger tea, ginger capsules, or ginger chews are also amazing for combating nausea. Lastly, sea bands are wrist bands that use acupressure which is a safe and side-effect free way of dealing with nausea. 

    Don’t get sick

    • Between the stress of traveling and being stuck in a plane with sick people it can be hard to avoid catching a cold. Pack lots of hand sanitizer and avoid touching your eyes, mouth, and nose as much as possible. A good quality probiotic before and throughout your trip will help to support the immune system. Good quality sleep and frequent naps also jump starts the immune system and will help keep you healthy. 

    • 23-08-2018

    How To Differentiate Between Food Allergies and Food Sensitivities

    I, and certainly my colleague Dr. Steph Peltz, get many questions from parents about children and food! From the time their babies begin taking in solid foods, our clients want to know which foods are best at which stage, why certain foods seem to upset their little ones and whether their child has a food sensitivity or an allergy. In fact, there is a lot of confusion over this last bit.
    It's really important that parents understand the difference between an allergy and an intolerance (or sensitivity) as they mean completely different things and require different preventative measures and treatments. To help my clients, and the readers of Westcoast Families magazine, I wrote an article shedding some light on the issue and I hope you enjoy the read. 
    Head over to the article published on the Westcoast Families site and be sure to share it from there if you think it could benefit others.
    Have any specific questions for us about your child? Call the clinic at 604-544-7656 to book an appointment - we'd be happy to help!

    • 13-08-2018

    Parasympathetic VS Sympathetic Systems

    Let’s take a trip down memory lane to Junior high biology class. Do you remember learning about our nervous system? Parasympathetic VS sympathetic systems? 

    These 2 nervous systems explain everything you need to know about weight gain and fatigue! Why when you are stressed, you have digestive problems and get more gassy and bloated. Why, when you are stressed, you gain weight- especially around your midsection and belly no matter what weight loss efforts you have implemented, nothing seems to battle the bulge.  Why, you feel and look exhausted no matter how much sleep you get. Why you are constantly getting injured or are in chronic pain and it isn’t healing as it should.  And most importantly, what we can do about all of this. 

    Sympathetic Nervous system otherwise known as “ Fight or Flight”. 

    When we are stressed, or are put under stressful situations ( Even though we can’t admit we are necessarily stressed, and we are good,  and we got this, and we are fine and we will be ok) our body releases cortisol and adrenaline from our adrenal glands. The role of these hormones are to keep us going in the midst of stress. We are however only equipped with so many resources to allow us to keep going for so long, until we crash and burn because our cortisol and adrenaline levels can no longer be kept up with. This is known as the adrenal fatigue we have touched on previously. We are not equipped to run from a bear 24/7. God hasn’t built us that way, to have the organs and hormones  on endless supply to accommodate this crazy world we live in. We run out of resources very quickly if we push and push our bodies to no end. This is when we begin getting injured and end up with chronic diseases as a result of too much “stress” on the body without the ability to cope with it. No different than your car breaking down after you ran on it without changing the oil, getting it serviced, etc tec.  WHY this is of relevance to you, is because, when we are under stress our blood vessels dilate, our core body temperature increases, our digestive system shuts down, our repairing and restorative mechanisms are halted and we are running on pure adrenaline to survive. When we are surviving, we are hoarding all our resources and food and fuel to store it in times of need for quick energy. Everything we eat becomes stored in case we will need fuel at a later date. We are literally wired to survive. 

    Parasympathetic Nervous system otherwise known as “ Rest and Digest”. This is the complete opposite of the sympathetic system. This is where we are meant to rejuvenate, relax, repair and regenerate. Our body replenishes nutrient stores, hormone levels, neurotransmitters, growth hormone and more while we are in this state. Our digestive system is working, HCL is flowing, enzymes are working to help us break down our food, our intestines and bowels are undergoing peristalsis and movement and all is well. We are balanced here, calm, our muscles are relaxed, heart rate and breathing rate and pulse rate are low. We aren’t hoarding resources here, our bodies aren’t holding onto food and calories, pressure is taken off our heart and our adrenal glands are having a holiday. 

    Now, the kicker is, we cannot be in both systems at once. We cannot be running from a bear and eating while we run and expect our digestive system to work for us. This is why when we are stressed and go go go and eat on the run, we get heartburn and acid reflux along with gas and bloating and perhaps diarrhea or constipation.  Why when we are stressed we get injured and our body doesn’t heal- because we haven’t given it the restorative and regenerative attention our body needs. Why when you are running on very little sleep or are tossing and turning, that you wake up exhausted. You haven’t allowed the body ample time to get out of 1 nervous system and into the next system properly so both functions of the body and nervous system could be appreciated. It is so important to appreciate the two systems for what they are, and respect the processes and bodily functions that take place in each. We need our bodies to respond under a state of stress, but we also need to place an importance on the value of good restful deep sleep. We must respect our digestive system and the enzymes that are responsible for breaking down our food and assimilating it so we use it for energy. It would be a shame to compromise this process because we are too busy.  All this requires is 10 minutes to sit down, focus on eating, on chewing your food properly and give your mealtime the quiet it deserves. In the midst of a stressful situation, simply go to a quiet room, heck a bathroom will suffice if you are out and about, turn the lights off and do 10 deep belly breaths. This calmness will allow a dial down of sympathetic to parasympathetic system and help recharge those batteries. 

    • 19-06-2018

    10 Carry-On Essentials You Don't Want To Leave Home Without

    Summer break starts in just a few short weeks and that means that Canadians everywhere will be hopping on planes, jumping in cars and even catching trains to travel the great wide world. New Westminster Naturopathic Physician, Dr. Allana Polo, is here to make sure you make it to your travel destination happy and healthy with her recommendations of her favorite carry on essentials. 

    "Spring break, summer break and Christmas break are the busiest travel times of the year," says Dr. Allana Polo, ND. "You want to spend your vacations enjoying time with your family making memories from beginning to end! Nobody wants to get sick or find that they are unprepared for a time when they should be happy, healthy and enjoying life! Naturopathic medicine shines in prevention and as a naturopath I always make sure my travel bag is packed with these essentials for good health!" 
    10 Carry-On Essentials You Don't Want To Leave Home Without
    - Healthy Snacks: The temptation to load up on airport chips, candy and fast food is high. Avoid it by pre-packing snacks with you like nuts, seeds, dried fruit, granola bars, lara bars and even cut up fruit and vegetables if you are travelling domestically. Pro Travel Tip: If taking a trip where you are going through security, pack snacks in ziplock bags or clear containers so everything can be easily seen if security needs to go through it. 
    -Water Bottle: Avoid pop, coffee and alcohol which is sure to dehydrate you while your on route to your destination. Pack an empty water bottle that you can fill once you get through security. Electrolyte packets that you can add to water are also a great thing to pack. If purchasing beverages at the airport look for coconut water which is packed with electrolytes. Pro Travel Tip: If travelling with a filled water bottle, make sure to take a few final sips of water and then dump out the rest before heading into the security lineup. 
    -Hand sanitizer/disinfectant wipes: Have you ever noticed that you get sick after flying? Between the recycled air, passing your passport back and forth between multiple hands and people touching everything, it's not uncommon to pick up cold germs. Keep your hands clean and your area germ free with hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes. 
    -Aspartame Free Gum: Chewing gum while flying not only helps with the air pressure buildup in your ears, it also tricks your brain into not being tempted to boredom eat and mindlessly snack while you're watching that inflight movie. 
    -Zinc Lozenges, Vitamin C Lozenges and/or Elderberry Lozenges: Keep your immune system up, even if you're sitting next to Mr. Sneezy McCoughing by sucking on these immunity boosting lozenges while enroute to your destination. 
    -Oil of Oregano: Speaking of boosting your immune system, let us introduce you to our secret weapon-- Oil of Oregano. Take 5 drops before your flight and 5 drops once you land. It will stop those cold germs in their tracks! 
    -Shaker Cup With Protein Powder: No one enjoys a hangry traveller! Give yourself a protein boost by being prepared to whip up a shake during your travels! Just add water to your cup already preloaded with protein powder and you'll be good to go! 
    -Melatonin: It's not uncommon to find sleep a challenge while traveling. Interrupted sleep leads to a low immune system and no one wants to get sick on vacation. Melatonin helps with circadian rhythms which will help you sleep like a baby once you reach your travel destination. 
    -Sleep mask, ear plugs, travel pillow and comfy clothes: Speaking of sleep, if flying overnight be prepared! Block out the light and sound and let the gentle rhythm of travel rock you to sleep as you snuggle up with your travel pillow in your comfy clothes. 
    -Rescue Remedy: Last but not least, if you are an anxious traveller, calm those feeling naturally with Rescue Remedy. Rescue Remedy is available in tea bags so you can get a cup of hot water from the airport or flight attendant, enjoy a soothing cup of tea and say goodbye to those bad vibes. 

    • 19-06-2018

    6 Common Summer Health Concerns And How to Prevent Or Treat Them

    The Weather Network is expecting a hot and dry summer across Western Canada. If the last few days are any indication we are definitely in for a hot one! Many of us Vancouverites spend the winter months complaining about rain and counting down the days until we see beautiful blue skies and warm weather. As much as we love the summer, many of us aren't quite prepared and our health can suffer! Luckily, New Westminster Naturopathic Physician Dr. Allana Polo is here to address some summer health concerns.

    "Summertime is my favourite time of year, the sun is shining and people are outdoors getting active," says Dr. Polo. "As fabulous as Vancouver summers are, they also brings quite a few common health concerns that can be dangerous if left untreated. Luckily most of these concerns can be prevented before even happening and if you miss preventing them, there are some great natural remedies that will get you back feeling 100%."

    6 Common Summer Health Concerns And How to Prevent Or Treat Them:

    1. Sunstroke
    Prevent It: Plan out your outside time by looking up the UV index for your city by the hour. This is a great website for doing that. Seek shade or plan to be indoors during peek UV times and enjoy sun time during hours where the UV Index is lower.
    Home Remedy For Sunstroke: Drink lots of fluids including water and beverages like coconut water that are high in electrolytes, potassium and magnesium. Place cold towels on the neck.

    2. Sun Induced Headaches-
    Prevent It: Stay hydrated and wear hats that will block the sun from your eyes and UV protecting sunglasses.
    Home Remedy For Sun Induced Headaches: Rehydrate your body. Spend time in a cool dark room with a cool compress over your eyes.

    3. Mosquito Bites-
    Prevent It: Make natural bug spray using oils that repel mosquitos which include cinnamon oil, lemon, eucalyptus and citronella. Eat foods high in vitamin B1 which are thought to change our smell and repel female mosquitos.
    Home Remedy For Mosquito Bites: Dot bites with oil of oregano or tea tree oil. Rub with a wedge of lemon. Reduce inflammation with ice.

    4. Sunburns-
    Prevent It: Avoid peek UV index times and stay covered in sun shelters, with cool loose clothing and sun hats.
    Home Remedy For Sunburn: Take a cool bath with oatmeal or baking soda. Apply aloe vera gel. Lay cool compresses that have been soaked in black tea on the affected areas of your skin.

    5. Food poisoning-
    Prevent It: Practice food safety and food handling best practices when preparing food for BBQ's and other summertime parties. Take note of how long food has been sitting out and if it's been properly chilled or heated.

    Home Remedy For Food Poisoning: Drink ginger tea. Don't take immodium, let your body pass it. Alkanize your digestive system by mixing 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with hot water and drinking. Load up on probiotics to restore the harmony of your gut health.

    6. Bacterial Infection from public hot tubs or pools
    Prevent It: Avoid going in the water if you have an open cuts or sores. Know the hot tubs you are using and how they are cared for. If they aren't cared for properly, avoid them.
    Home Remedy For Bacterial Infection: Treat topically with natural antibacterial agents like tea trea oil and oil of oregano. Treat internally by consuming garlic and probiotics.

    • 05-06-2018

    Dr. Polo's Healthy Travel Tips

    Now that summer is almost here, many of us are hitting the road and roaming the world. In all the excitement of booking travel plans, packing and dreaming about adventures to come, it can be easy to forget about sticking with healthy habits. Travelling doesn't mean you have to give up on your health goals! New Westminster Naturopathic Physician, Dr. Allana Polo is here with her favorite tips for staying healthy while on vacation!

    "Going on vacation does not mean you are going on vacation from your healthy habits and lifestyle ways," says Dr. Polo. "If you view vacation as a free for all, you’re more likely to come home feeling lethargic, up a few pounds and not rested from your trip, when you should be returning feeling the complete opposite. Don't be one of those people who comes back from their travels saying that they need a vacation to recover from their vacation. Stay on track with your goals so you're sure to come home feeling energized and motivated that you can be healthy no matter where you are in the world."

    Dr. Polo's Healthy Travel Tips:

    Plan ahead- Scope out healthy restaurants and grocery stores, view menus and create a "meal plan" before heading on vacation.

    Book a place to stay with a kitchen- Preparing some of your meals yourself will allow you the freedom to eat the way you eat at home, eat local produce, and save yourself thousands of hidden calories.

    Scope Out The Hood- The first day you arrive, take a walk around the neighborhood and check out your cafe, restaurant and grocery shopping options. Also ask staff at the hotel about their favorite healthy places to grab a bite!

    Be Active Whenever You Can- It''s tempting to grab an Uber or hop on a sightseeing bus when visiting a new city, but consider doing exploring by foot! Rent a bike or strap on a pair of sneakers and get that calorie burn up while travelling.

    Schedule Workouts- Just because you are on vacation, doesn’t mean you have to skip your workout. Most hotels will offer a pool or gym. Try for 30-minute workouts where your heart rate is elevated and you work up a sweat. That’s all it takes!

    Find the Other Pleasures- Remember why you are travelling in the first place. Whether you are exploring ancient ruins, or lying on a beach in Costa Rica, focus on the pleasures of vacation that have nothing to do with food and everything to do with relaxation and new experiences.

    Kick Your Sight Seeing Up A Notch With Added Weight- Whether your visiting the Eiffel Tower or strolling the beaches of Maui looking for sand dollars, strap on a pair of ankle weights or wrist weights while walking and sight seeing for an extra metabolic boost!

    Practice 80/20... or 75/25- Chances are you've heard of the 80/20 rule. Eat healthy 80% of the time and treat yourself the other 20. When on vacation nutrition is often the first thing to fly out the window, often as soon as we get to the airport. Don't deprive yourself, enjoy your vacation, but treat yourself 25% of the time and make healthy choices the rest of the time.

    Skip Tapas and Appies in Favor of Backpack Snacks- Stock up on healthy snacks at a local grocery store or health food store when you arrive at your travel destination. Pre-plan your snacking for throughout the day. Eat a healthy snack 30 minutes to an hour before you go out to eat. You are much more likely to order too much food an unhealthy choices when you look at a menu while starving versus when you have a bit of food in your tummy.

    Take the stairs- Make a game of taking the stairs wherever you go. Skip the elevator at your hotel and go up and down the stairwell instead. Even if you are staying on a high floor and you can't imagine walking all the flights up, walk down the stairs to burn a few extra calories.

    • 24-04-2018

    Dr. Polo's Tips For Spring Cleaning Your Health

    1. Set S.M.A.R.T. Goals- Specific. Measurable. Attainable. Relevant. Time-based. 

    2. Replace habits, don’t eliminate- Instead of cold-turkey quitting potato chips, replace them with something healthier that satisfies your crunch cravings. Like almonds or roasted chickpeas. This also helps you navigate social settings where there might not be a healthier option. Having a few potato chips at a party is no big deal if you have replaced them in all the places you can control, like your kitchen pantry.

    3. Remember your WHY- Coming back to your ‘why’ in your moments of doubt or deflation can be the thing that sets you back on track. Are you working toward better health so you can enjoy watching your kids grow up? Put a nice family picture up near your treadmill at home. A visual reminder can sometimes be more effective than a mantra or vision in your head. But decide what works to help you remember your why.

    4. Find support- Perhaps it’s an online community, family members, friends or colleagues. Find sources of support that you can check in with or who will check in with you as you journey toward your goal. Better yet, enlist them to join you and be in accountability partnership!

    5. Stay accountable to yourself- Keep track via apps, a diary or a chart to track your progress. I find that those who monitor their own behaviour ultimately do a better job of sticking to their initial plan.

    6. Limit your goals- Choose 1 or 2, not 10. This keeps you from getting overwhelmed and gives you enough time to make progress. Successfully modifying even 1 or 2 areas of your life can have a positive effect on other areas. Your quality of life can change with just a couple simple moves in the right direction.

    • 26-03-2018

    Let's Talk Poo

    Imagine you are handed a note every day with a message about your health. It indicates how well your digestive system is working, if there are signs of growths or other abnormalities in your intestines, if you are drinking enough water and much, much more. Now imagine not even looking at that note and flushing it down the toilet instead.

    You wouldn’t do that, would you? So then, don’t flush your poop without taking a peek! New Westminster Naturopathic Physician, Dr. Allana Polo is here to explain.

    "Your stools tell you a lot about what’s happening inside based on their colour, size, shape, frequency, texture and smell. There are many factors that affect your ‘number two’: your diet, your hormones, medications you are taking, and how much sleep and exercise you’re getting," says Dr. Polo. "Learning what is ‘normal’ for you based on some of these factors is a vital part of living an optimally healthy lifestyle. For example, you don’t need to be alarmed if you have a red tint in your stool if you recently ate a lot of beets, or cranberries or had something that had a red food colouring in it. However, if you are not accustomed to eating those foods and are suddenly finding red in your stools, you should speak to your healthcare professional."

    Take a peek at this poop chart:


    If you’re on the constipated side, there are a number of things you can do to soften your stools. Drinking more water and being more active are common options to start with. I would recommend those two action items as overall beneficial for you anyway. As well, take a look at your fibre intake. Are you eating enough fruits, vegetables and legumes to keep your stool soft and easy to pass?

    On the other side of the spectrum, you may have diarrhea more often than you realize. Diarrhea isn’t always just water passing through without any solids. It’s also the solid matter that falls apart when it hits the water and is really mushy. This is saying something as well and it’s important to know what could be going on. Some really common issues could be an overgrowth of yeast in the gut and large intestine, bacterial overgrowth, food sensitivities, difficulties with digesting certain nutrients, eating a diet high in fat or grease, or even a lifestyle that induces too much stress.

    Did you know that the gut is where the immune system ‘resides’? It's true! So that's why it's extra important to take good care of yours.

    A naturopathic physician can get to the bottom of your poop problems by running food sensitivity and IgG blood tests, creating an elimination diet, and suggesting probiotics, digestive enzymes and glutamine which are restorative and healing for this incredibly important system.

    Our body relies on the strength of our digestive system to fuel the rest of it so this is never something we should take lightly. Even when it’s embarrassing to talk about poop, it is an insightful conversation to have with a naturopathic physician. When you’re in the habit of looking before you flush, you have a lot to bring to the table for your own health.

    • 05-03-2018

    Food Sensitivity with Dr. Allana Polo

    I'm going to start this off by saying that what works for me, may not work for you, and it's best to work with a certified naturopath if you want optimal results with your overall health. Most of the procedures at Polo Health are covered by extended health if you have insurance!

    Although I've done a food sensitivity test years ago a lot has changed since then (I'm no longer a Paleo Crossfit Competitor for one) and I knew it was time to visit Dr.Allana Polo again for another check on my digestion. The thing about food allergies is that they don't always present themselves as a typical "rash" or visible inflammation. I noticed my food allergies presenting on my skin. 

    Skin is the largest organ and the toxins created by my inability to digest certain foods were unable to escape and cleanse my body properly. I noticed severe acne to the point that it physically hurt to touch my skin. I saw dermatologists and specialists, but I neglected to look within. I tried all the expensive lotions but I had to look at what was going on inside my body to properly take care of myself. 

    There are two ways you can determine what foods you may be sensitive to. One way is the Food Sensitivity test. It's a simple test where Dr.Polo pricks your finger, collects a small amount of blood, sends it away, and results are back in 7 days. Your blood is then tested against 120 of the most common allergens. 

    The second way is an "Elimination Diet", which is exactly as it sounds. You eliminate all foods that are known to cause issues in our digestion, then you reintroduce them one at a time for a duration of three days to see how you feel. 

    Whichever route you go, the most important part of the equation is that you're committed. That's the only way to achieve results with either of these options. Success meaning that you're feeling your absolute best. Digestive issues can present themselves as headaches, skin problems, gas, bloating and more. 

    Another tip I learned after my visit with Dr.Polo is that you can develop digestion issues if you keep eating the same food over and over again. A huge crutch for people who are heavily involved in the fitness industry is to meal prep, creating the same meal every day. Maybe your taste buds aren't getting bored, but your digestive track sure is. Make sure you keep things interesting when cooking for yourself or you may find that your "go to" meal is now making you feel sick your body isn't absorbing the nutrients it needs to. 

    The two most common procedures that Dr.Polo does at Polo Health is the Food Sensitivity test and hormone testing. Click HERE to book an appointment with Dr.Polo. I have a few more appointments lined up with Dr.Polo and I'll keep you posted on my journey. I'm looking forward to showing how you can let food by thy medicine. 

    Health is Happiness!
    Mandy Gill


    • 05-08-2017

    Anti-aging Nutrition: Beat the Clock with These Drinks

    With no proven effective way of stopping the aging process, those of us concerned with the toll time takes on our body’s functioning and features have to turn to how we care for our body to slow the process. While there may be no magic potion, there are drinks you can make part of your nutrition plan that will provide anti-aging properties, strengthen the body and offer beauty benefit as well. Here are three that are hot in 2017, and for good reason: they deliver antioxidant and healing properties that improve your immune system and benefit your skin, nails and hair.

    Bone Broth

    Bone broth is enjoying a moment in the spotlight, but we’ve always known it to be a drink that offers healing and strengthening properties: remember your grandmother’s chicken noodle soup? Chances are that delicious broth was made by boiling chicken bones to release the beneficial marrow from inside.

    Bone broth’s rich mineral composition strengthens the immune system. It contains beneficial collagen, which helps heal the lining of the gut and which strengthens and improves your skin and hair. Bone broth also contains a healthy serving of glycine, proline and glutamine. Glycine has been shown to slow the effect of aging. Proline supports the production of collagen, which aids in tightening the skin to avoid wrinkles. Glutamine helps remove toxins from the body, supports the immune system and aids the body in producing an essential antioxidant. As we age, our store of glutamine can deplete and when the body needs to tap into reserves, it has a drying effect that can be seen in the tone of our skin (muscle tissue thins, skin loses elasticity).

    Red Wine

    If a glass of wine at the end of a workday is your go-to for relaxation, you will rejoice in the news that a glass of red wine is actually good for you - from lowering cholesterol, supporting your heart to fighting cancer and stabilizing blood sugar. Red wine also has anti-aging benefits, thanks to it’s healthy dose of antioxidants called polyphenols, like resveratrol. Resveratrol acts to protect the body from damage by engaging a healthy inflammatory response, which can act to protect the skin from the effects of aging. Some of the effects of red wine can also be found in the very reason we turn to it after a long day: putting your feet up with a glass promotes relaxation. Stress has a lot of impact on the tone of our skin, and health of all our organs. So raise a glass, but be sure to practice moderation: one glass a day for women is recommended, and two glass for men.

    Collagen Protein Powder

    You may be familiar with collagen in skin care products for improving tone and suppleness. Ingestible collagen powder also has similar effects. Collagen is an insoluble protein, the most abundant in the human body and what holds the whole body together. As we age, our body’s production of collagen slows and the effects of aging can be directly tied to this reduced output - wrinkles, sagging skin. Women who consumed collagen once a day for eight weeks saw notable improvement in their skin’s elasticity and moisture. By fighting the loss of elasticity, collagen can also reduce cellulite and stretch marks.

    Collagen is found in bone broth, but can also be ingested in a power form. This can be dissolved in warm or cold drinks for easy consumption.

    Fight time with these powerful elixirs and reap the rewards of that glow from the inside out. Drink up to better aging!

    • 23-07-2017

    Healthy Eating Starts Early: Helping Teens Eat Right

    We all know the myths of adolescence: they sleep too much, party hard and indulge in fatty, fried and sugar-filled foods. As parents, we may feel our ability to control their lives, including their nutrition, is suddenly diminishing. While kids may be able to make unhealthy choices outside of the home, it is still very much advised that we try our best to instill healthy values in them within our control. And now science is underlining why this is so important.

    A study from the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health found that a higher intake of dietary fiber in girls during adolescence, reduced their breast cancer risk later in life. The greatest apparent benefit, as revealed by a large and long-running study of women’s nutrition, was found amongst women who ate larger quantities of fruits and vegetables in adolescence. The high intake of fibre during adolescence was found to reduce overall risk of breast cancer by 16%, and to reduce the risk of breast cancer before menopause by 24%.

    This is an important finding that goes to underline why it is crucial that parents provide their kids with a foundation of healthy nutrition. Not only does it guide their own choices as they are afforded more agency in adolescence and young adulthood - it sets them up for a lifetime of healthy choices -  but it is now increasingly clear that early lifestyle factors influence long-term health outcomes.

    More research is clearly needed to tease apart why an increase in beneficial fiber reduces breast cancer risk. The authors suggest fibre-rich foods may reduce estrogen levels in the blood, which are linked with the development of breast cancer. What I find most interesting about this study; however, is the importance it places on nutrition choices starting at a young age. I encourage parents to gather the resources and support systems they need in order to provide healthy and balanced food options beginning in babyhood, through childhood and into adolescence. Bring only healthy and nutritious food into the home, and provide balanced meals that can be shared together as a family. Children will come to love the food that is provided to them most often (yes, they will request carrots) and there is a place for treats as occasional indulgences. Foster a healthy relationship with food yourself, and model nutritious choices. Always be aware that they are watching! And that your choices as parents today, and their choices from adolescence onward, affect and shape their future health outcomes. 

    • 19-06-2017

    A New Member of the Polo Health Family

    We are used to welcoming new practitioners to our professional team, but this summer we welcome a smaller sweeter addition: a new baby in our family.

    Dr. Allana Polo is expecting her first child this August, and will be leaving for maternity leave on July 20th.

    During her absence, which at this time will be through the fall, Dr. Safia Kassam will take over working with all of Dr. Polo’s patients and any new weight loss referrals.

    If you would like to see Dr. Polo for an appointment about your health, before she leaves to have a baby, please book your appointment now (they are filling up fast).

    After July 20th, Dr. Kassam looks forward to working with you to meet all of your health needs. The rest of the team is also available, and while Dr. Polo takes care of her family, others will be taking care of patients and the clinic. Business is as usual, with our regular hours and services being offered.

    Please join us all in congratulating Dr. Polo and her husband on this impending arrival!

    To make an appointment with Dr. Polo, Dr. Kassam or another team member, call our office, or use the button below to book your appointment online. 604-544-7656.

    ** Dr. Safia Kassam, Naturopath


    Dr. Safia Kassam is a licensed Naturopathic Physician certified in intravenous therapy, Bowen therapy, acupuncture, and holds pharmaceutical prescription rights in BC. At present, Dr. Kassam has a focus in digestive disorders, including SIBO, as well as hormone imbalances, and weight management. Dr. Kassam is a professional member of the Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors (CAND) and BC Naturopathic Physicians Association (BCNA). Dr. Kassam is a sports enthusiast. She grew up playing competitive fastpitch softball, floor hockey, and basketball and is an avid Vancouver Canucks and Seattle Seahawks fan. She also enjoys spending time with her nieces and nephews, and traveling.

    • 31-03-2017

    Coping with Allergies this Spring

    The cold and wet weather we've experienced this winter has caused early allergy symptoms for some people. You don't have to suffer through the season. Here are my tips for coping with spring allergies:

    - Use Netti pots and saline rinses to keep the nasal passages clear and to prevent sinus infections and pressure build up, which can lead to headaches;

    - Keep windows closed to prevent pollen from flying in, and dust from outside;

    - Try an Air Purifier inside the house;

    - Dust/vacuum regularly;

    - Avoid dairy as it is mucous producing and can exacerbate congestion;

    - Avoid Sugar. Sugar causes inflammation and weakens your immune system;

    - Try Quercetin and Vitamin C. Both are natural anti histamines.

    - We sell supplements that will help! Come on in and see us.

    Dr. Allana was also on Roundhouse Radio recently talking about seasonal allergies. Did you miss it? Have a listen here.

    If you have tried these tips but still struggle with your symptoms, book an appointment. Call our office, or book your appointment online. 


    Here's to your health, always!

    Dr. Allana Polo & The Polo Health Team

    • 23-03-2017

    Maintaining Mental Wellness While Traveling: A Guide

    Spring break season is upon us, and summer is quickly approaching. With the promise of warmer weather comes the tantalizing dream of getting away for a few days on a sun-soaked vacation. However, the allure of seasonal travel hides the reality that going on vacation is never as simple as the commercials make it seem, especially for those that struggle with chronic anxiety or depression.

    The idea of going on vacation may leave you with questions. Is it safe to go on a trip that keeps you away from your regular support group? Can you cope with the changes in your routine that travel will cause? Let's look at some of the ways that traveling can trigger anxiety and depression, and look at what you can do to ensure you experience the best trip possible, no matter what.

    Traveling Is Stressful For Everyone

    As much as we all go on vacation to get away from the stress of our daily lives, there's no denying that the process of traveling comes with its own set of difficulties. Leaving your daily routine to travel is full of uncertainties for everyone, but the things that stress one person out might have little effect on another, meaning that the pressure of catching flights, navigating an unfamiliar city or trying to speak a new language might heighten your stress levels to the point that your anxiety or depression might become worse. 

    For this reason, if you know that you're susceptible to anxiety attacks or are familiar with days when getting out of bed feels like too much effort, it's important to take some extra planning steps before leaving on your vacation to ensure you stay healthy and happy.

    If this sounds like you, here are some important considerations you should make for your health before starting your trip.

    Dealing With Depression

    When you suffer from depression, it can quickly take over much of your life. You don't have to let it control your travel dreams too. About eight percent of Canadians experience bouts of depression throughout their lives, but there is plenty you can do to keep it from compromising your trip. Below are some tips that will help you keep your spirits high while traveling to prevent a depressive mood from settling in. 

    - Travel during the day: Depressed people often find it hard to motivate themselves in the mornings and evening, so plan your trips during the daylight hours as much as possible. Not only does this match your body's natural rhythms, it also helps you adjust better to time zone differences.

    - Stay away from excessive alcohol: Nothing can wreck your travel mood more than overdoing it on alcohol, especially if you mix your booze with anti-depression meds. Work hard to moderate yourself, and you'll feel better throughout your trip.

    - Be realistic about your energy levels: If If you've been struggling to find the energy to get out of bed at home, don't book a busy trip that never allows time for a break. Instead, keep your schedule manageable and focus on living in the moment. You'll get the recharge you need without pushing yourself beyond what you can handle.

    - Stay on a routine: Routine is essential for staying healthy, but traveling can quickly throw your daily schedule out of whack. If you struggle with depression you need to go the extra step to keep their routines as functional as possible. Make sure you bring all your medications with you, and set alerts on your phone to remind you to take them at your normal time.

    - Bring enough medicine with you: Careful planning beforehand will prevent you from experiencing an antidepressant shortage later on. Make sure to bring all the medication you need beforehand and have a letter on you from your doctor explaining that you need it for medicinal reasons. This will make it easier to get through security.

    Coping With Chronic Anxiety

    While travel can be a stressful experience for just about anyone, it can be positively paralyzing for those that suffer from chronic anxiety. Roughly twenty five percent of Canadians will suffer from an anxiety disorder during their lifetime, and many people allow it to control what they can do. You don't need to live like this. It's more than possible to enjoy a trip if even the idea of stepping on a plane fills you with dread, but you'll need to take some important steps to keep your anxiety under control.   

    - Visualize Your Trip Beforehand: If the idea of navigating an unfamiliar city leaves you in a panic, take the time to think through every step of the process before you even leave. This creates circuits in your brain that it will rely on during the real time, making it a less stressful experience in the long run.

    - Practice Breathing: It's easy to start hyperventilating without even realizing it, so work to keep your anxiety under control by taking slow, deep breathes every time you feel your pulse start to quicken.

    - Pay For Stress-Reducing Services: No need to feel guilty if you opt for a fancier hotel or fast track passes to get to the front of lines; any money that you spend to reduce your travel anxiety is money well spent. Opting for a massage or exercise class is also a great idea.

    - Bring Your Comfort Clothes: Looking classy while traveling is overrated. Instead pack your favorite pair of sweats and the big blanket that always keeps you feeling safe. Not only will you stay more comfortable on the trip, you won't have the pressure of putting an outfit together.

    In Summary: Seek the Guidance of a Professional 

    Everyone can benefit from a break away from their daily lives, and you shouldn't let your concerns about depression or anxiety keep you from taking the trip you crave. These common conditions are no reason to not take a vacation, so long as you carefully plan out a strategy for staying healthy.

    Before you make your travel plans, it's always smart to talk with your mental health care provider to get tips and advice. If you live in the New Westminster and Surrey, BC area, I am more than happy to meet with you and discuss some health solutions for traveling. To learn more about Follow Your Own Star Counseling or to schedule an appointment, you can get in touch at http://www.followyourownstarcounselling.com/contact/

    • 19-02-2017

    CKNW Health Series with Dr. Allana Polo

    CKNW is celebrating wellness with a health series and they've turned to Dr. Allana Polo for help and advice. 

    You can listen to each interview on CKNW. Here is an overview of Dr. Allana's appearances.

    The Power of Turmeric



    “Turmeric is the new buzzword food,” explains Dr. Polo, who says you can get it both in powder form for cooking or as a capsule as a supplement.

    The substance is derived from a plant in the ginger family.

    “The active ingredient that we’re also concerned about – or really interested in – is actually curcumin. It’s the main active ingredient which holds the most inflammatory and anti-oxidant potential. The beautiful thing about turmeric is that in all the recent studies and journalism [and] medical information that we have, it’s really effective against inflammatory conditions, like arthritis.”

    Polo says research shows it can actually match the effects of some specifically anti-inflammatory medications people are taking.

    Nutrients for Brain Health



    Another, she says, are Omega 3s.

    “Which are fatty acids like salmon or fish oil capsules. The beautiful thing is your brain is 60 per cent fat. By incorporating good fat into your body, you’re just helping the neuronal connection and communication within the brain.”

    Another good option are antioxidants, says Dr. Polo.

    “You can take antioxidants through a capsule, or you can do it through food: dark, rich, colourful fruits and vegetables. Antioxidants are really important because your brain requires oxygen to function, and if you have a lot of free-radical damage, or if there’s a lot of oxidative stress in the brain, then these antioxidants are really helpful for brain function.”

    Fruits like blueberries and strawberries and vegetables like spinach and broccoli are all rich in antioxidants.

    Beyond simply boosting your brain function, Dr. Polo says nutrients like Omega 3s and antioxidants can have both preventative and restorative effects on your grey matter.

    Reduce Your Meat Intake



    People say one of the best ways to improve your overall health is to reduce the amount of meat that you eat. For a lot of people, that is difficult. But is that even true? Do we eat too much meat?

    Dr. Polo says the short answer is… not necessarily.

    “It’s not that we’re necessarily eating too much meat; it’s the quality of meat that we’re eating. So it’s too much red meat that we’re eating. It’s saturated fat, and it’s also now pumped full of hormones and chemicals, and growth factors that we weren’t eating years ago. So I think the quality of the meat has changed, and I do think the studies that are coming out are showing the importance of a plant-based diet for longevity and health and heart disease and obesity…high cholesterol and diabetes,” she says.

    What are superfoods?



    “Society is becoming so much more mindful about what the nutrition of food is, what we’re putting into our body, and how helpful that is. I think last year it was kale; kale was on the map for a while. And then it was chard, then cauliflower, goji berries, acai berries… basically these are all fresh, colourful vibrant fruits and vegetables. They’re rich in antioxidants..."

    Incorporating Healthy Oils into Your Diet



    “There are some oils that are saturated, so we don’t want to use that,” says Dr. Polo.

    But while you stay away from those, she says there are a group of healthy, unsaturated oils that are both delicious and good for you.

    “The really great ones to incorporate into your diet, because they’re a lot higher in Omega 3s and Omega 9s – which are anti-inflammatory – are avocado oil, flax seed, macadamia nut, olive and coconut oil,” Dr. Polo says.

    • 31-01-2017

    Slow Down - Chew - Enjoy Life!

    I had an “aha” moment last night while eating my dinner. I caught myself with too much food in my mouth at one time, and realized that I needed to slow down and chew my food more thoroughly.

    This is a microcosm of my life lately. Last fall, after a particularly busy few months, my body started to give me signals that I needed to slow down my pace of life. Thankfully, I have listened to my body – I took a week off, and have upped my self-care with walks, relaxation, baths, reading, meditation, and eating slowly.

    And, very importantly, I am making sure to incorporate these self-care gems into my everyday life.

    Back to chewing. Chewing our food is very under-rated in our society. Life seems to be about moving fast - rushing to and from work/activities, fast food, eating breakfast on-the- run, lunch at the desk, etc.

    With such busyness in life going on, it seems like there is no time to eat. Well guess what? These priorities are screwed up!

    Eating is the sustenance of life, and deserves to have a place of high priority with mealtimes carved out as part of our day. As a colon hydrotherapist, I constantly get to see, through the view tube in the equipment, what comes out of the other end of the digestive tract.

    And, just like your dentist knows if you have been flossing or not, I know if you have been chewing your food thoroughly or not! I have to say that I see a lot of undigested food, or rather ‘unchewed food’, sometimes very identifiable like mushrooms, nuts, seeds, red pepper.

    I so often find myself talking to clients about their chewing habits. It is amazing how people pay attention when they see for themselves their own unchewed food being eliminated!

    Problems arising from not chewing thoroughly include:

    - improper digestion from eating too fast and not calmly;

    - lack of digestive enzymes from the saliva because food is not staying in the mouth long enough;

    - not getting the nutrients from these pieces of food that are not breaking down;

    - undigested food in the GI tract can lead to a condition called ‘leaky gut’ which can also contribute to allergies;

    - the ileocecal valve between the small and large intestine is forced to stay open wider to allow these foods through which can lead to intestinal problems.

    We CAN slow down our chewing, and we do this by retraining ourselves.

    Here are the chewing tips that I have taught to thousands of people:

    1. Look at the size of the bite of food that you are about to put into your mouth. It should be approximately 1- inch in diameter, no bigger than a loonie. If you put in a huge mass of food, there is no way that you can chew it all thoroughly!

    2. Put your fork down between each bite, and do not pick it up again until we have swallowed this bite. Simple but not easy! We are so busy getting our fork ready with the next bite and drooling over how good it is going to be. Think about it though – we are so NOT in the moment, we are actually trying to be in the next moment by anticipating it. Putting our fork down forces us to pay attention to what is in our mouth right now, the texture, how much it is chewed. Believe me, by staying mindfully in the present moment, you will even taste the food more! That is a fabulous benefit.

    3. Do an experiment and Count Your Chews. First of all, put a bite into your mouth, and count how many times you chew it by doing your regular way of chewing. Secondly, put another bite into your mouth, and this time count to 40 chews. I have heard anywhere from 25-50 chews, so experiment with how many you need. The food in your mouth ought to be chewed to a consistency of a paste or a liquid before swallowing.

    “How we digest food is how we digest life” Have you heard this before? I felt shocked when I read this statement. Having had my share of digestive challenges in my life, I immediately knew it was true. Helping our digestive system by slowing down and chewing thoroughly extends health and well-being to every area of our life. So let me ask you, “How are you digesting life?”

    Susan Kinross

    Certified Colon Hydrotherapist

    • 13-12-2016

    Use Them Before You Lose Them! Are Your Benefits Expiring?

    It is hard to believe that the end of 2016 is almost here. With the close of another year, this is an excellent time to remind you to use your benefits ... before you lose them! This is also a great time to remind you about all of the services Polo Health has to offer, and how we can make you feel good throughout the holiday season and into 2017.

    - Avoid the New Year rush and jump start your weight loss today. We offer Naturaopath supervised weight loss programs and hormone balancing;

    - Get rid of built up waste with a colonic: now just $85. 

    - Get your skin holiday ready with our Medical Aesthetics services - Botox, Fillers, Microneedling, Microdermabrasion, Chemical Peels, Latisse, Clarisonic, IPL Laster and PRP (not currently covered by your benefits).  

    - Get an energy and immune boost with our IV Therapy. You need it this time of year!

    - Address the underlying emotional causes for your mood, disordered eating or illness. Make an appointment with our Clinical Counsellors.

    - Try Accupuncture and cupping for a variety of conditions. It will make you feel great, and improve your health.

    - And more including pain management, childhood disorders, women's health and skin conditions.

    There are so many great reasons to come in and see us! Book your appointment now to avoid disappointment. We book up fast at the end of the year, as so many people know just as you do now that benefits are running out! Call our office. 604-544-7656. 

    Here's to your health, always!

    Dr. Allana Polo & The Polo Health Team

    • 05-12-2016

    Heading into the Holidays - You Need This!

    Heading into the Holidays……. feeling.....


    With the holiday season upon us, life gets busier and full with more shopping, cooking, baking, eating, drinking, socializing, parties and family celebrations.  While all of this is done in a spirit of festivity, it can often take a toll on our health – making us feel not only tired or stressed or overwhelmed, but also can easily lead to digestive discomfort.  Indulging in fatty and sugary foods and drinks we don’t regularly consume, overeating at holiday meals, plus the faster pace of preparing for the holidays – these are all stressors that affect our digestive system.

    At this time when it is probably most important, self-care often goes out the window.  One way to help ourselves prepare for healthier holidays is to have Colon Hydrotherapy.  Many people have been helped by this method to feel lighter, to reduce or eliminate bloating, gas and abdominal discomfort, and to feel renewed well-being.  An added benefit of colon hydrotherapy is that it makes us more aware of our “insides”, and of what our body really wants us to feed it.  This is a huge bonus at this time of year as we are inundated with foods and treats that are tasty yet are unhealthy and make us feel yucky.  I often hear from people who say that Colon Hydrotherapy is the best thing they ever did, that it has changed their life.   

    This is the time you want to feel your best!

    So give yourself the gift of Colon Hydrotherapy this season


    Susan Kinross                                                                                                                                                        

    Certified Colon Hydrotherapist                                                                                                                                   

    Polo Health + Longevity Centre

    • 16-11-2016

    Meal Planning + Why You Should Throw out This Diet Rule

    Dr. Polo has written two articles that now appear online at HuffingtonPost.com.

    In the latest article, Dr. Polo gives you a refresher course in meal-planning and how it can help you manage a busy winter schedule. Many families find themselves running from activity to activity in the winter. It is also a time when we can become less creative around breakfast and packed lunches, after months of using up our energy there. 

    Here is an excerpt:

    Whenever possible, cook more than you need at dinner time so you have easy to grab lunches the next day. Casseroles and soups can be toted to school in a thermos and extra grilled meat is perfect for a rice bowl or ploughman's lunch. Extra rice can be rolled into seaweed for sushi. Moving your lunch prep to dinner time will also smooth out the hectic school routine.

    Jot down a few tips when you read this article

    In another article, Dr. Polo is sharing weight loss strategies based on her work in-clinic helping hundreds of patients each year shed substantial amounts of weight. One myth she confronts often, as it is ingrained in her patient's belief system, is that breakfast must be eaten immediately upon rising. Dr. Polo challenges you to consider what you need over when you eat, saying our food choices and listening to our own bodies is more important. This is a must-read for anyone who is currently facing weight loss or maintenance challenges, or really a primer for anyone on the way habits and associations govern us.

    Here is an excerpt:

    If you are trying to lose weight, intermittent fasting may be helpful and valuable, too. In this case, and if your body responds well, I suggest aiming for a 12-hour period in which you abstain from food. What does this look like? The exact timing depends on your individual body -- for some this might mean ceasing food at 6 p.m. and not hitting the breakfast table until after 6 a.m., but for those who eat dinner later, this might mean 7 p.m. to 7 a.m., or even 9 p.m. to 9 a.m. The key is to find YOUR ideal schedule, and this isn't something a health-care provider or diet book can tell you.

    Read the article here.  

    Read all of Dr. Polo's articles on Huffington Post. 

    Do you have a topic you want Dr. Polo to address in her articles? Please reach out with your idea.

    • 20-09-2016

    What is Acupuncture and How Does It Work?

    By Aleksandra Wroblewska, Reg. Acupuncturist

    Acupuncture’s Broad Reach

    Traditional Chinese Medicine has been in existence for over 3 000 years.  The combination of acupuncture, herbal medicine, food therapy, Qi Gong and Tui Na massage are each intended to facilitate homeostasis.  When we look at illness as a departure from a balanced place in one’s body, we can see how supporting the body’s systems would aid in its recovery.   

    A common inquiry into acupuncture has people asking: What is acupuncture for?  Acupuncture is widely known but its applications aren’t.  Pain relief is most commonly associated with treatment. Although pain relief is a common treatment, acupuncture has wider applications such as: allergies, insomnia, headaches, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, constipation, conception support, digestive problems, Bell’s Palsy, stress management, seasonal attunement.  

    The Art of Diagnosis

    When a patient comes in for an acupuncture treatment, their tongue, pulse and general appearance will be observed.  Along with this, the group of symptoms displayed will be taken into consideration for their final diagnosis and treatment.  The key to Chinese Medicine is a precise diagnosis. 


    Once a treatment plan has been constructed specific to the patient’s concerns, hair-fine needles are gently inserted into various acupuncture points around the body.  Clients have a chance to rest for 20-40 minutes while the needles do their work.  People often report different sensations in their body and a general feeling of relaxation. 

    The number of treatments depends on whether an issue is acute or chronic.  For more acute cases, 2-3 treatments a week for 2 weeks may resolve their concerns.  Some patients choose to come in for a tune up once or twice a month.  This is an opportunity to give the body some time to recalibrate and address any issues that may have come up since their last visit. 

    If you would like to learn more about acupuncture, or to book an appointment, please call the clinic. 



    • 28-06-2016

    Summer Ready Skin

    The long hot days of summer are here and all that sunshine has us thinking about helping you get and maintain that healthy sun-kissed glow. Sometimes though summer can wreck havoc on our skin: creating breakouts, signs of premature aging (from over sun exposure) and sunburn from too much sun. Protect your skin all summer long by investing in a good skin care routine that includes cleansing, exfoliation and sun protection (Read tips here).

    It is also a good idea to look at ways you can ease damage already done, such as if you have signs of aging on the skin or are concerned with skin blemishes and conditions. We offer many services - from wrinkle reduction to Clairisonic deep cleansing to combating problem skin with naturopathic remedies. Ask us about tattoo removal too!

    Here's a sample of the Aesthetic procedures and support for summer ready skin you can find at Polo Health.


    This is an extremely effective procedure for reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, in particular those caused my facial movement (crow's feet, forehead wrinkles).

    Learn more.


    Treat hyperpigmentation, sunspots, melasma and promote even skintone with this microdermabrasian chemical peel system with antioxidant and exfoliant properties. It will reduce fine wrinkles, improve skin tone and reduce pore size.

    Learn more.

    DERMAL FILLERS Dermal fillers are a popular anti-aging treatment because of their range of application and ability to ‘reverse’ signs of aging such as volume loss, deep wrinkles, and sagging skin.

    Learn more.


    Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy is in high demand as an anti-aging procedure that mingles advanced technology with the body’s natural capability to heal itself. In this procedure, the very own patient blood is separated into its active serum and platelet parts, that are then mixed with Calcium Chloride and injected into the wrinkles, folds and areas that need to be corrected.

    Learn more.


    Allergan, the makers of Latisse®, has created a wonderful product that can extend length and volume to thin and sparse lashes. Latisse® solution is the first FDA approved easy-to-use at home treatment, to improve eyelash growth. When Latisse® is applied on a daily basis, eyelashes can become longer, fuller and darker. There has been a growing interest in this product ever since it was introduced due to its extraordinary results. Latisse® is a safe, convenient and non-invasive cosmetic procedure. It is the only lash growth product of its kind and is available by prescription only.

    Learn more.


    Photo Rejuvenation – Intense Pulse Light (IPL) uses a visible light that very effectively improves many of nature’s imperfections. Treatments can be done on the face, neck, chest, arms, hands and back.

    Learn more.


    We sell the Clarisonic skin cleansing device, which can cleanse your skin 6x better than your hands alone. It is gentle for everyday use.

    Learn more.


    Our team of Naturopaths and Integrated Medicine Doctors are also available to help you heal from acne and other skin conditions.

    Learn more.

    Book Your Appointment

    • 18-04-2016

    Polo Health + Longevity Centre Supports the Purple Lights Campaign

    The week of April 18-25 is designated as ‘Violence Against Women Awareness Week’ and you will see purple lights in Polo Health + Longevity Centre as well as several businesses in downtown New Westminster.  The Purple Lights campaign is put on by Monarch Place Transition Place – a transition house for women and children fleeing domestic violence under the organization W.I.N.G.S. (Women in Need Gaining Strength).

    This week long campaign is held to bring awareness of the impact of domestic violence on women, children, families and ultimately on the community of New Westminster.  Every year the mayor of New Westminster makes a declaration in City Hall that New Westminster stands against Violence against women and as a community will support women and children fleeing domestic violence.  The week culminates with a vigil on the steps of City Hall.


    Given the statistics of domestic violence, this proclamation may seem like a small action in the face of such an overwhelming problem BUT all change is incremental in the beginning.  The phrase “nothing changes until something changes; once something changes, everything changes” certainly applies here.  By bringing awareness to the need for services for women and children, we as a community begin the process of meeting those needs. 

    You can support the Purple Lights Campaign by making donations directly to Monarch Place or you can leave a donation with the receptionists at Polo.  Also, please consider joining us at the vigil on  April 25th 2016 at 5:30pm on the steps at New Westminster City Hall

    There are strings of Purple lights available for a donation of $20 and bracelets are available for a donation of $1.00 at Polo Health + Longevity Centre. 

    Two of the clinical counsellors who work at Polo Health + Longevity Centre also work at Monarch Place.  Marianna Kavanagh is a Child Support Worker and Margaret Hearth is a Multicultural Outreach Worker.  Both of these counsellors have also worked to facilitate groups for women. Bringing the skills of working with families in crisis into their repertoire in working at Polo is yet another aspect of meeting the vision of Polo Health + Longevity Centre – to provide multidisciplinary, holistic care to the community.


    • 13-04-2016

    What is Integrative Cancer Care?

    Welcome! I'd like to quickly introduce myself.

    I am Dr. Crystal Wells, a naturopathic physician, and I have recently joined Dr. Allana Polo and her team as an associate at Polo Health. I spent the last 3 years practicing in Toronto and am very excited to be settling into a practice on the beautiful west coast!

    One of my key focuses in practice is in Naturopathic Oncology. I was trained by members of FABNO (Fellows of the American Board of Naturopathic Oncology) to provide adjunctive cancer care for patients before, during and after their conventional treatments. Cancer, being very near and dear to me, has inspired me to build a career focussed on offering those with cancer a sense of hope, empowerment, and control over their lives and the treatment they choose to follow. During my time in Toronto, I held a discussion series at Wellspring Cancer Centre, a community-based centre for cancer patients and their families to receive support and awareness of available complementary cancer care treatments.

    What is Integrative Oncology?

    The goal is to improve quality of life for the patient at any stage in their cancer. I believe in treating the whole person- mind, body and spirit, and providing this support to both the patient and their families. Treatment is evidence-based, non-toxic, and patient-centred. Care is collaborative, and communication with other members of the patient's healthcare team allows for the best outcomes.

    At Polo Health, I have designed a cancer care program. Although all patients receive an individualized treatment plan, our program provides the tools to optimize patient-centred care (the patient is at the centre and their values, needs and preferences guide the clinical decisions).

    On their first visit, my patients usually come with one or a number of loved ones. We go through a thorough assessment, review reports, and go through some of the treatment options. As their complementary cancer care provider, I will always suggest what I feel is best for the patient, however the patient is always in the driver's seat when it comes to making treatment-based decisions. The therapies offered within the program are evidence-based and non-toxic to support the healing power of the body. Therapies and dosing will depend on where patients are in their conventional treatment (chemo, radiation, surgery) so as to not negatively impact this treatment.

    These therapies are (but are not limited to):

    Intravenous vitamin C (IVC)

    High doses of vitamin C are administered directly into the bloodstream to achieve larger concentration in the blood as we by-pass gut absorption. At high doses, vitamin C accumulates in the cancer cells and acts as a pro-oxidant. Hydrogen peroxide accumulates in the cancer cell, causing the cancer cell to burst (apoptosis). The outcomes include: - slow cancer progression - improved energy and sleep - decreased nausea and improved appetite - improved quality of life.

    Mistletoe therapy

    European mistletoe is the most unconventional cancer treatment used in Europe. Through direct cytotoxicity (cancer cell death) and inhibition of tumor growth and metastasis, the most significant outcome is increased survival. Additionally, we see improved quality of life (appetite, sleep, energy, pain, mood, and tolerability to chemo), and decreased side effects to conventional treatment.

    Clinical Nutrition

    Patients are offered a specific supplement regime with goals of improving tolerance to conventional treatment, decreasing side effects, improving cytotoxicity (cancer cell death), and improving overall quality of life.

    Dietary counselling

    All patients receive an individualized diet plan based on their needs and their presentation. 

    If you or a family member have at any point been diagnosed with cancer, please feel free to contact us at Polo Health. I offer 15-minute complementary consults as a meet and greet to discuss options that best suit you from within our program! I look forward to meeting and journeying with you on the road to cancer wellness!

    • 02-02-2016

    Healthy Snacks for Superbowl Sunday

    Yes you can eat healthy, even on Superbowl Sunday! This celebration of sport and good company may seem like the perfect excuse to get "off the healthy train" and indulge in some bright orange cheese sauce or chips galore, but partying hard for your favourite team doesn't have to derail your commitment to healthy eating. Here we are sharing some delicious recipes for nourishing and healthy food perfect for the big game.

    Healthy Snacks for Superbowl Sunday

    Chocolate Football Bliss Balls

    1 cup raw almonds or Cashews or a mix of both

    2 tbsp cacao powder

    1 cup pitted medjool dates

    1 tsp vanilla extract

    ½ cup dark chocolate chips

    2 tbsp coconut oil

    1/3 cup unsweetened shredded coconut

    Honey or agave syrup to taste

    3 tbsp all Natural Peanut Butter

    Water or unsweetened almond milk if necessary to get to desired consistency


    1. Place the dates, vanilla extract and cacao powder into a food processor and blend until the mixture resembles a paste.

    2. Add in the almonds and pulse several times, until your desired texture is achieved.

    3. Add in the chocolate chips, shredded coconut, coconut oil and natural peanut butter and mix through with a spoon.

    4. Add in water or almond milk if necessary to get to desired consistency

    5. Roll into tablespoon sized balls and pop into an airtight container in the fridge for up to 1 week.

    6. Roll into Football shapes and use white icing for the decorative lines on top.

    Crockpot Mexican Pulled Chicken with Lettuce Wraps

    This recipe is one of my favourites. it is quick, easy and delicious. Cooking with a crockpot means it is no fuss for game day!

    Pack of 8-10 boneless, skinless chicken breasts and thighs

    1 large jar of Salsa (I prefer Spicy for a bit of a kick)

    1 pack of low sodium taco seasoning, or a homemade blend of chilli powder, paprika, onion powder, fresh garlic and a pinch of cayenne pepper

    Optional: Chopped green peppers, Black beans or Canned corn

    Romaine lettuce leaves for your “wrap” (Can substitute with soft Corn Tortillas if preferred)

    Optional toppings: extra salsa, guacamole, shredded cheese, low fat sour cream


    1. Line the bottom of the crock pot with your raw chicken

    2. Pour the entire large jar of salsa over top the chicken breasts making sure to evenly coat the chicken.

    3. Add your pack of taco seasoning or individual spices to the mix

    4. If you want, add beans, corn or green peppers.

    5. Set your crockpot to low for 8 hours or high for 6 hours

    6. With an hour left in the total cook time, begin testing the chicken by taking fork and beginning to shred it. When done, it will naturally pull apart. If it is still too tough to pull apart, come back to it 30 minutes later until it easily shreds.

    7. Pull apart your lettuce into small cup size lettuce bowls.

    8. Prepare your sides of guacamole, sour cream and shredded cheese Remove the shredded chicken from the crock pot and serve in the lettuce wraps.

    Cauliflower Crust Pizza

    This pizza recipe has become incredibly famous for 2 reasons! It’s a healthier low carb option to traditional pizza and it actually tastes like the pizza you know and love! The key to making this pizza successful, is removing as much liquid as possible from the cooked cauliflower before baking it into a crust. Use cheesecloth if you need to, and drain the liquid a few times until it is as dry as possible. Make a healthy and light vegetarian pizza or throw on some delicious chicken breasts and BBQ sauce for a spin on your favorite BBQ chicken pizza.

    1/2 head cauliflower, coarsely chopped

    1/2 cup shredded Italian cheese blend

    1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley and oregano

    1 egg

    1 teaspoon chopped garlic salt and ground black pepper to taste

    Extra shredded cheese for the topping

    Marinara sauce for the topping

    Toppings you prefer (Mushrooms, spinach, tomatoes, chicken, peppers, onions)


    1. Place cauliflower pieces into the food processor and pulse until all the cauliflower is shredded creating a “rice like” texture.

    2. Place a steamer insert into a saucepan and fill with water to just below the bottom of the steamer. Bring water to a boil. Add cauliflower and steam until tender, about 12 minutes.

    3. Transfer cauliflower to a large bowl and refrigerate, stirring occasionally, until cooled, about 15 minutes.

    4. Preheat an oven to 450 degrees F.

    5. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

    6. Stir Italian cheese blend, parsley, egg, garlic, salt, and pepper into cauliflower until evenly incorporated.

    7. Pour mixture onto the prepared baking sheet; press and shape into a pizza crust.

    8. Bake in the preheated oven until lightly browned, about 15 minutes.

    9. Add your favorite toppings and marinara sauce and place back in the oven for another 10 minutes or until cheese is melted. 

    Quinoa Pizza Bites

    These healthy and delicious pizza bites are great for any super bowl party other fun get-togethers! You will never know these bite size treats are full of protein, fiber and other key vitamins and minerals.

    1 cup cooked quinoa

    ½ cup shredded cheese (I prefer tex mex with a slight kick)

    1 egg

    ½ teaspoon salt (to taste)

    ½ teaspoon ground pepper

    5 tablespoons of marinara sauce

    ½ teaspoon garlic powder

    3 teaspoons each oregano and basil seasoning (Fresh and chopped is ideal)

    Marinara Sauce, for dipping


    1. Cook the quinoa: Mix ½ cup uncooked quinoa with 1 ¼ cups water and a pinch of salt. Bring to a boil first and then lower heat and cook on medium. Cook the quinoa for about 15 minutes until fluffy.

    2. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.

    3. Grease a 12 mini muffin tin pan.

    4. Mix all of the ingredients together.

    5. Put a tablespoon into each muffin tin, packing them in. Sprinkle extra shredded cheese on top with a dash of oregano

    6. Bake for 12-15 minutes.

    7.After baking, allow to cool on a wire rack for about 15 minutes and then remove from pan.

    8. Serve with Marinara Sauce.

    Enjoy the game! And the delicious food.

    Photo Copyright: fahrwasser / 123RF Stock Photo

    • 02-12-2015

    Holiday Wellness Tips from Vancouver's The Wellness Show

    Our own Dr. Andrea Gansner will be talking about skin health at the upcoming Wellness Show in Vancouver. What a great event for learning more about bringing health into your life. We are pleased to share wth you some tips for the Holiday Season, provided by other practitoners and businesses involved in The Wellness Show.

    Traditionally, December 1st kicks off the official beginning of the Holiday Season. This is a wonderful time of the year filled with family gatherings, parties, special events and wonderful food and drink. However, there can be stress associated with this time of the year. For some, stress and tension between family members and friends becomes more prevalent. There is also the temptation to spend more than we had planned on gifts and end up with huge credit-card bills in January. Additionally, we exercise less, eat and drink more throughout the month of December, leading to holiday weight gain. 

    We asked some of our 2016 Wellness Show exhibitors to share some tips to help you get through the holiday season unscathed. Here are some Healthy Holiday Tips from all of us here at The Wellness Show: 

    Get plenty of rest: Sleep-deprived bodies tend to gain weight more easily. This means not having alcohol later in the evening as it disrupts your sleep flow; avoid caffeine later in the day, and also foods that are high in protein, since your body has to work harder to digest them.

    Alcohol in moderation: When you decide you want a glass of wine or a rum-and-eggnog, drink a large glass of water first. For a festive cocktail, we love this holiday-themed Matcha Madness Martini, made with green tea powder from My Matcha Life. Matcha has been proven to aid in weight loss as it is packed with antioxidants and may also help to reduce stress. 

    Keep your exercise routine: Even if you're too busy to hit the gym or your yoga class, you can still exercise in other ways. Go for a brisk walk with the family or hike up in the hills in search of a Christmas tree. Lift bags of groceries! If you can stay active 3-4 days a week throughout the month of December, you will be light years ahead of those who don't, says Jennifer Browne of Fresh + Fit Vancouver. And you'll already be in a great routine in time for January's inevitable health kick.

    Portion control: Everything over the holidays looks delicious and we want to eat everything, says Kim Szymanski, in-house nutritionist for Nesters Market. The trick is to take smaller portions and then you can try a variety of foods.

    Eat a good breakfast: It really is the most important meal of the day! On days when you have a party to go to, feeling full of good, healthy foods will help you to stay on track at the buffet. These Banana Walnut Chocolate Chip Muffins are refined sugar free, vegan, and gluten free. The recipe comes from our friends at Hooray Truffles. As a bonus dark chocolate is packed with antioxidants and may help with depression.

    Supplement: With the lack of natural light and the incessant rain this time of the year, it's easy to get a case of the blues. Try supplementing with Omega-3 fatty acids (found in fish oil, avocados and Alligga Flaxseed cooking oil) and Vitamin D. Great for your brain, and will elevate your mood!

    Tame the frizzies: Cold, dry winter air can play havoc on our hair at a time of the year when we really want to look our best! Here's a tip from Carina Organics: Warm water opens your hair cuticles, enabling shampoo and conditioner to enter so that it can do its job. On the downside, too much heat can strip your hair of its natural oils and cause frizz. It will also leave your cuticles open, making them more susceptible to damage. A better idea is to start your shower with warm water and finish with a blast of cold. This helps to close the cuticle after you have washed your hair and seals in the moisture from your conditioner. It also helps to use a leave-in conditioner, such as Carina Organics Sweet Pea Leave-In Conditioner. 

    Moisturize: Our skin also suffers in the cold, dry air. Argan oil is truly versatile and can be used in many ways as a simple solution for all your rehydration needs, says Elizabeth Lesztak, Pharmacist at Pure Pharmacy. Naturally rich in antioxidants, essential fatty acids, vitamins and minerals, it can be used as a facial serum, or add a drop to your favourite foundation or bronzer to add a more dewy glow to your holiday look. You can also use it as a hydrating exfoliator for dry lips: add a few drops to a sugar scrub, gently massage on the lips and rinse off. Instant silky smooth lips!

    Give the gift of experience: It's easy to get caught in the 'need more stuff' trap, but it creates more waste and is not good for the environment. Set budgets around Christmas gifts and stick to them. Consider giving the gift of an experience rather than an object; take your loved ones skating on an outdoor pond and bring along a thermos of hot chocolate. Time and attention are also powerful gifts focus on fun!

    Plan healthy meals in advance: When your schedule heats up in December, making sure that you are getting healthy meals on the table can be a big challenge. Take some time earlier in the month to plan, shop for and prepare healthy dishes that you can freeze. All you have to do is take one out and pop it in the oven. Alternatively, create pre-bagged and frozen ingredients for your slow cooker. Soups, casseroles and stews are all great options.

    If healthy living is on your 2016 to do list, we'd love to see you at the Wellness Show!

    The Wellness Show, Western Canada's biggest trade show dedicated to holistic living, takes place from February 12 to 14, 2016, at the Vancouver Convention Centre East, Exhibit Hall B & C, 999 Canada Place in downtown Vancouver. Tickets are $14.50 General Admission, $12.50 Seniors 65+ / Students with valid ID, $6.00 Children (5 and under free), and $30.00 3 ­ day pass. Tickets will be available online at thewellnessshow.com, or at the door.


    Photo Copyright: sarunyufoto2010 / 123RF Stock Photo

    • 27-10-2015

    Treatments for ADHD

    By Dr. Andrew Eberding, N.D.

    For years people have been expressing concern about the number of children who are now prescribed Ritalin or Adderall for managing behaviour and concentration.  A question that should be kept in the back of every parent’s mind is, “Do these drugs really work?”

    When I ask this question, the parents of my patients often look at me stunned.  They tell me how much better behaved and focused their child is when medicated.  I think it is obvious in the short term children do have better attention and impulse control.  These are the facts that get distributed to doctors and patients’ parents, but is it the complete truth of the matter? 

    It is the long-term results which matter the most for the child and everyone around them. What most parents and patients have not been told is ongoing tracking of behaviour and academic achievement has shown disappointing results. Comparisons between treated and untreated groups show equivalent educational success and comparable behaviour after several years.  To make matters worse, people treated as children with these medications are smaller in adulthood compared to their peers and are subject to numerous other side-effects along the way (depression, high blood pressure, headaches and numerous others). 

    These drugs are actually stimulants, bringing up the question, “How does stimulating someone’s brain calm them down?”  Originally, experts theorized ADHD patients had different brain connections resulting in this contradictory effect.  But we now know this is not true as many healthy people (especially studying college students) have similar effects when they self-medicate to help focus.  Studies have shown that all children respond the same when medicated.  Basically, when given a boring or repetitive task to do people are more successful if they take a stimulant. However, the treatment does not improve a person’s ability to learn material.

    The problem that I see is the positive effects fade over time; the medication simply becomes less and less effective at making any difference in a helping a person function.  This is similar to the effects of caffeine; initially, it gives an energy boost but eventually, with prolonged use, you are boosting from a lower energy state than your original one. Indeed, you may be worse off then when you started, because you have adapted to its presence.  Stimulants’ effectiveness in treating ADHD is gone after 3 or more years when tracked by research.

    So where does this leave patients and parents who feel they need do something?  Giving children medications does not help manage the cause of the condition, yet the vast majority of research that is funded is targeting drug development.  This is not because there is a lack of interest in other treatments but designing and managing studies of other interventions is inherently more complex and costly.  Clinical experience has shown other changes, such as counselling, lifestyle and nutrition can make a big difference.  The challenge is the condition is caused by a single factor and without professional training it can be very difficult to determine what changes are going to have the greatest impact.

    As a Naturopathic Doctor who treats ADHD patients some of many issues I find in need of correction may include:

    -   Body Chemistry: This can only be determined through laboratory testing. Some examples are iron levels, electrolytes, excesses of metabolites, blood sugar management and thyroid hormone levels.

    -   Nutrition: Food sensitivities, imbalance in types of fats available, overexposure to food additives, insufficient individual vitamins and minerals and a deficit of healthy flora.

    -   Inadequate Detoxification Pathways: often due to constipation, overexposure, genetic vulnerability or organ dysfunction.

    -   Lifestyle factors: Sleep inadequacy, anxiety and stress management, activity levels and counselling may need to be addressed; these changes require more time and effort from the patient, the family and the society in general.

    This is just a framework and by no means covers off all the possibilities of changes that may be required.  As with any medical intervention, no two patients are ever identical.  Each patient presents a new puzzle to solve before a patient can achieve their optimum mental and physical state.  From my perspective, medications are simply a bandage that needs to eventually be removed; if you are not treating the underlying problem you might discover you are just masking the real challenge.


    • 13-10-2015

    One Thought Away - Stress Relief Strategies

    By Francesca Tomas, RPC                                   

    According to the US National Safety Council, stress contributes to as much as 80% of all diseases and illness!  

    In our fast paced lives, it’s difficult to identify what triggers the unrelenting stress in our lives. We often contribute to our own stress by not questioning the filters we use to see and judge everyone around us.

    This is where I’d like to start.

    Dr. Wayne Dyer was a prolific speaker and a writer who challenged us to adjust our filters, and to lose our kneejerk thoughts and reactions. He asserted these patterns ultimately set us up for stress and misery. Wayne passed this August 30th.  His insightful lessons on how to live a happier more fulfilling life continue to inspire internationally.

    Here are a few of his most frequently quoted teachings:

    “You don’t attract what you want. You attract what you are.”

    This is the real law of attraction.

    “How people treat you is their karma. How you react is yours.”

    This encourages us to drop grievances quickly, to stop telling stories; to let go of the past, and to focus on what we know is real.

    “When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself.”

    It’s only when we stop judging that we can see, understand, and appreciate each other. 

    My favorite Wayne Dyer quote is:

    “You’re only one thought away from changing your life.”

    Wow! Many of us would love to change our lives. How do we choose that powerful one thought and change our life for the better?

    I challenge you to start this journey today. Here are some simple techniques you can start now to lose stress quickly and move yourself toward a more optimistic and promising future. Choose at least five of your favorites to do every day.

    - Call a close friend. – A quick conversation with someone you care about is often an instant mood booster.

    - Stretch. – When you feel stressed, get up, reach toward the sky, bend down and touch your toes, then stretch from side to side.

    - Go outdoors. – Get some fresh air outdoors to perk you up and clear your mind.

    - Take a light exercise break – Do a few of your favorite exercises to get your blood moving, or take a walk.  Even very moderate exercise reduces stress and re-energizes your mind.

    - Play your favorite song – Listening to music releases endorphins and makes you happy. It’s that simple.

    - Have a good laugh. – Watch a funny movie or your favorite stand-up comedian.  A good laugh stimulates your mind and gives you a renewed sense of optimism.

    - Take a few really deep, controlled breaths. – Deep breathing reduces stress, a source of fatigue, and increases the oxygen level in the blood. Inhale for five seconds, hold your breath for four seconds, and exhale slowly for five seconds. 

    - Smile more!! – Smiling, even if you’re not in a good mood, makes your brain THINK you’re in a good mood, and releases happy endorphins. Smile at strangers!

    - Express gratitude. – Expressing gratitude changes your brain chemistry! When you pay attention to the good things in your life, you experience a powerful effect.

    - Raise a real sweat - Exercise increases both dopamine and serotonin levels in the brain! Exercise daily to experience radical positive effects on your anxiety symptoms.

    - Help someone in need. –When you help improve someone else’s life, you improve your own life too.  

    - Act like today is an awesome day! – If you act like it’s awesome, it will be. Research shows that we often feel the way that we act. A great attitude always leads to great experiences.

    Try to integrate at least five of these stress busters into your daily life. I'd love to hear how it works for you.

    Greek philosopher Epictetus said "It's not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters."

    Most of us have experienced personal ups and downs. You can let this failure or upheaval derail you. Or you can take the healthier path, move on, and try a different more upbeat approach to accomplish your goals. I encourage you to take the upbeat path.

    Remember Dr. Wayne Dyer's advice: "You are only one thought away from changing your life."

    Photo Copyright: bialasiewicz / 123RF Stock Photo

    • 31-08-2015

    5 Ways to Make Summer Last All Year Long

    As our kids get ready to head back to class, summer and all of its fun is coming to a close. Soon we'll be warming up by the fire, and firing up our crockpots for harvest-inspired meals. 

    Don't worry! You don't have to lose the feeling of summer; keep it with you all year long with Dr. Polo's tips. She shared these recently on The Huffington Post.

    Read "5 Ways to Make Summer Last All Year Long"


    Photo Copyright: geraldas / 123RF Stock Photo


    • 08-07-2015

    3 Embarrassing Summertime Problems

    As health professionals, we've heard it all. There isn't a question that hasn't been asked, or a way you can make us feel squeamish. There is no reason to be embarrassed to come with all of your questions, about chafing, gas and all perfectly normal bodily processes.

    Dr. Allana Polo shared a post on Huffington Post recently that features solutions to three common (and often embarrassing) summertime problems. Be sure to check out her tips for dealing with gas, chafing and foot odour.

    Read: How to Manage 3 Embarrassing Summertime Problems



    Photo Copyright: jannoon028 / 123RF Stock Photo

    • 29-06-2015

    Now on the Huffington Post: Secrets to Glowing Skin

    Welcome to summer! And to the renewed opportunity to embrace healthy eating, an active lifestyle, and healthy glowing skin. Not quite sure how to get that glow? Allana is sharing tips for summer skin care over at Huffington Post Living. It is her first submission there, but stay tuned for more great articles featured on the Huffington Post.

    Find out how to care for your skin this summer and achieve that glow! Read the post.

    Photo Copyright: rido / 123RF Stock Photo

    • 28-04-2015

    How to Get Rid of Foot Odour

    by Dr. Allana Polo, ND

    Mother Nature is turning up the heat here in New Westminster, BC and with the warmer weather comes sandal season. Baring your toes, and getting sweaty under the sun, also means that a certain something else can surface … embarrassing foot odour. This topic came up recently when a patient asked me this question,

    My son has the worst foot odour I have ever experienced! What can we do to help keep his feet, stuck inside runners all day, smelling a little bit sweeter?

    I shared the following prescription with this hopeful mom, and I know it can work for you too. Get rid of foot odour, for good, with these tips.

    Wash the shoes.

    I recommend putting the shoes through the dishwasher for a cycle. This will cleanse the shoe of existing odours and they should come out smelling quite fresh. Once you eliminate the existing odour, it is time to ward off future stink.

    Wash the feet.

    Soak the feet in diluted apple cider vinegar. The acidity of the vinegar will neutralize odour and cut through the bacteria that is causing the stench. You can do this every night as part of a maintenance routine.

    Coat the feet in a natural deodorant, coconut oil combination and try natural tea tree oil powder.

    Right out of the soak, I recommend coating the skin in coconut oil. This is a natural way to boost the skin’s own defenses against odour-causing bacteria. Each morning you can also coat the feet in a natural deodorant which will, in a similar way, work to protect the skin from the bacteria that causes a smell. Tea Tree Oil in a powder form is also a natural odour-fighter because it combats the bacteria. I recommend coating the skin in this powder each morning.

    Grab some off-the-shelf foot odour solutions for your shoes.

    Having your feet stuffed inside the same shoes all day creates the growth of odour-causing bacteria. Keeping the shoes smell-free is another good way to make sure you are protected from embarrassing smell. There are a lot of over-the-counter solutions at the drugstore, like sneaker balls, which fit into the shoe and act as a kind-of air freshener.

    There really is no secret to combating odour, on any part of the body. Regular cleansing, and the help of natural odour-fighting products like coconut oil and apple cider vinegar, will keep any embarrassing stench at bay. The best part of this prescription, I haven’t recommended anything that may contain harmful chemicals not right for yourself, or your children.


    Have any tips of your own. Be sure to share them with me!


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    • 19-03-2015

    Eat Healthy During Your Workday

    By Jess Pirnak, Registered Dietitian

    Eating 9 to 5 is this year’s theme for nutrition month, and what an important topic. Since most people spend the majority of their day at work, we might as well eat our best while we’re there! Despite how well you’re doing, that 3:00pm slump can still hit hard and our heads think an extra cup of coffee will get us through the afternoon. But coffee doesn’t have to be the answer.

    Too much caffeine can make you lose sleep, cause jitters, upset your stomach, and increase your heart rate, so Health Canada recommends that adults have no more than 400 mg of caffeine a day. Two cups (a total of 500 mL) of coffee a day actually puts you right at this amount, and a lot of people drink that for breakfast alone! So, what else can you grab instead of a caffeinated beverage?

    Snacks that contain lots of fibre and protein can keep you satisfied, regulate your blood sugar and provide you with some much-needed energy! Try:

    ·         Hummus with added hemp seeds and a variety of crunchy veggies like carrots, celery, cucumber or zucchini;

    ·         Variety of nuts or seeds;

    ·         Dried fruit like figs with peanut butter (sounds weird but it’s delicious);

    ·         Smoothie with almond milk, flax seeds and a banana.

    Even perking up your packed lunch with some tasty energizing options can make a difference to your energy levels in the afternoon. Try these quick, simple, and tasty make-and-take lunches from Dietitians of Canada:

    ·         Layer black bean dip, avocado and peppery arugula on a rustic whole-grain baguette for a simple sandwich with big flavor;

    ·         Pack hard-boiled eggs, cheese, fresh veggies, a few olives and whole grain crackers for a super snack-like lunch;

    ·         Mix lentils, roasted sweet potato and red peppers, quinoa and a drizzle of lemony dressing for a protein-packed salad bowl;

    ·         Toss light tuna, snow peas and grape tomatoes with leftover whole grain pasta, basil-filled pesto and a pinch of chili flakes – this dish is great cold or heated.

    Not only will these changes get you over that 3:00 hump, but you’ll also have more energy to take the kids to the park after work or hit the gym for some ‘me’ time.

    You might also like to read about preparing for the work week through Sunday meal prep.

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    • 11-02-2015

    9 Ways to Reduce Stress

    By Francesca Tomas, Registered Professional Counsellor

    Sometimes a little stress can be helpful. However, many of us frequently experience stress overload. Remember, stress puts your health at risk. Stress is linked to the leading causes of death including heart disease, cancer, and lung disease. Stress causes headaches, muscle tension, depression, and anxiety. Stress also takes a big bite out of your productivity, creativity, and motivation. So, what can you do? 

    You can't just walk away from your job or responsibilities. But you can put into action a personal stress reduction plan, and I am here to help you do just that.  

    Here's my short list of 9 easy ways to reduce stress.

    Healthy Diet

    Stick to a healthy diet. Eat more leafy greens, fruits, and vegetables. Eliminate or cut back on refined carbohydrates, like sugary cereals, chips, and desserts. Read labels on cans and packages. Avoid saturated fats and trans fats. If you have emotional eating issues, get these under control to feel the rewards of a balanced diet. 


    Exercise 20 minutes daily to brighten your mood and relieve your stress. For optimal health benefits, try to raise your heart rate while you exercise. Do something you enjoy like brisk walking, playing tennis, or swimming. An indoor treadmill, elliptical, or stationary bike can be handy in cold weather.


    Yes, sleep. The sweet spot is 7.5 to 8 hours per night. Sleep lets your body rest and repair, and helps reboot you for the next day. Not enough sleep can make you irritable and slow your thinking.

    Take Care of Your Emotions

    Be present in the moment. Check your body several times a day. How do you feel? Is your neck tight? Are your shoulders tense?

    If you feel tense, take a break or a short walk. Breathe deeply and exhale slowly to help release the tension. Be concious of your feelings and work with someone to better understand how they are affecting your life in the big picture.

    Write a Daily To-Do List

    Trying to remember everything you need to do each day increases your stress. Writing a list simplifies the process and helps you prioritize your tasks. This avoids stress. 


    Laughter releases feel-good hormones that help you release stress. Watch a comedy, read funny books or get together and share funny stories with a friend or family member. 

    Pay Attention to Your Self-Talk.  

    What are you saying to yourself? Is your self-talk negative? 

    If it is, you will feel worse if you listen. It will also ramp up your stress. Practice stopping the negative self-talk when it begins and finding positive things to say to yourself instead.

    Keep a Journal. 

    Before you go to bed at night, write down anything that comes to your mind.

    How was your day? Debriefing at night helps you get a better night's sleep. It's therapeutic to clear your mind of stressors and put in on paper. Once out of your head, negative thoughts no longer have a place to expand. 

    Write Five Things You are Grateful For

    This could be a daily gratitude journal or a once a week practice. Writing gratitude statements has been closely linked to increased happiness and contentment. Statements can range from someone holding the door open for you to someone taking the time to listen to your story. 

    Implement these 9 strategies for reducing your stress, and be sure to be honest with yourself. If you are consistently overwhelmed by life, perhaps you need to work with someone to target the root of your troubles. It is always good to get in touch with your feelings and thoughts, which itself can reduce a lot of stress.

    This has been one entry in our detox series. See our 7 pillars of detox, of which "rest" and living stress-free is one pillar. You might also like to read: eliminate, and sweat.

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    • 29-01-2015

    The Benefits of Colon Hydrotherapy

    Susan Kinross, one of our Certified Colon Hydrotherapists, would love to talk with you about how amazing Colon Hydrotherapy is. And it is an integral part of your detox process. Have you been following along as we talk through the 7 pillars of a healthy detox? We've talked about the importance of being prepared, and the foods you need to eliminate to be successful in this process.

    Now Susan is here to share with us the benefits of Colon Hydrotherapy. We'll include a link to more information on our site, and of course to book - because you'll feel inspired!

    Hello Detoxers and Cleansers!

    In my experience for myself and in working with others, colon hydrotherapy is a fantastic aid to cleansing - before, during or after a cleansing diet.  It’s a gentle yet powerful detoxification treatment.  So as your body is going through a time of detox with your cleansing diet – your organs and cells are letting go of toxins through the various channels of elimination from the body.  The colon is a major channel of elimination.  Although ideally the colon would always move all of its toxic waste out of the body, the reality is that it is very common for fecal material and toxins to become stuck and congested, accumulating in the pockets of the colon.

    Having a colonic (short term for colon hydrotherapy session), or a series of them, during your cleansing diet helps to ensure that those toxins that you are eliminating from your organs and cells are getting out of your body!

    Of course you can only know the benefits if you try it for yourself!  Once you try a colonic and experience the results, you will know what a gift this is to you.


    Susan Kinross

    Certified Colon Hydrotherapist


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