How to navigate a Keto Flu
What to expect during your first week on the metabolic ketogenic reset
Many followers of the keto diet experience rapid weight and fat loss, lower hunger levels, and improved energy levels. Since most high sugar foods are eliminated, controlling your calories becomes effortless.
Those who have joined the ketogenic movement can attest that the early weight loss comes with a potential toll. The first week on a low carbohydrate intake can be challening - mentally and physically. As your brain and body adapt to a life without glucose, you may notice minor changes in your mood.
Brain fog
The first major sign – coming 2 or 3 days into your ketogenic transition – will be brain fog. As your body switches from glucose to ketones as its main source of energy, the fog will slowly lift as your body adjusts. Keep active to help keep your circulation flowing.
Keto Flu & How To Help
“Keto flu” is a term for the fatigue some people may experience during the first few days of a low carb diet. Your body is withdrawing from carbohydrates and adjusting to running on fat. For some, this adjustment comes seamlessly without many symptoms. For others, the adjustment period can me more intense and come with a series of symptoms. The “flu” usually sets in between day 3 and 7. It typically ends between days 10-14. The symptoms may be exacerbated if you have previously sustained a high carb diet, are dehydrated, not supplementing with electrolytes or under excess stress paired with adrenal insufficiency.
Symptoms of Keto Flu are:
● Headache
● Dizziness
● Heart palpitations
● Nausea
● Diarrhea
● Muscle cramping
● Weakness
● Decreased athletic ability
The best and easiest place to start with Keto Flu is water and electrolytes. This helps flush the system. Be sure to include electrolytes such as magnesium and pink or white sea salts.
Beyond Keto Flu, there are a few other potential side effects to note, some may appear rapidly while others have a slower onset. Regardless, these are signs and symptoms of your body talking to you. If ignored, your body will talk louder and louder until you address whatever is going on. Some other things to watch out for are:
● Skin changes: your skin is your largest organ and one of the main sites for detoxification. Because of this, any time you dramatically alter your diet or embark on a detox plan, your skin may get substantially worse before it gets better. It might be in the form of acne, rashes, itchiness, dryness or flaking
● Bowel changes: Any dietary changes can affect the natural digestion and elimination schedule you are used to. FOr some, detoxing and supplementing with MCT oil plus increased fats can lead to loose stools or diarrhea. Some people may also report constipation or more hard stools. The body often needs transition time until things normalize again. When symptoms persists we have many options whether it be herb, nutrient or botanical extract to assist the body in digesting and breaking down the foods you are consuming. It may also be a food intolerance from something new you have introduced.
● Bad breath: one hallmark sign of being in ketosis is bad breath. It is often temporary and can be masked with proper breath mints or sprays and impeccable oral hygiene. We have many options of mints and gums that will help you get around this during your transition.
● Hair loss: you may experience hair loss with rapid weight loss. However, there is usually an underlying cause for the loss and once the root issue has been addressed and corrected your hair will grow back quickly. A proper workup for hair loss includes iron deficiency, hypothyroidism and nutrient deficiencies. You must also ensure that you are eating adequate calories and are avoiding any extreme calorie restriction periods.